fhqwhgads, mix cd's, used book stores, reading, politics (left), coffee, drinking, camping, kayaking, muzik, being a rabble rouser.
My hero. Failing that, anyone will do.
Shiza where do I start. . ..God Speed You Black Emperor, Bright Eyes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Violent Femmes, Radio Berlin, Explosions in the Sky, Dirty Three, Unwed Sailor, Fugazi, Velvet Underground, Sleater Kinney, Ikara Colt, The Sea and Cake, Black Heart Procession, Cinematic Orchestra, Oxes, The Hot Snakes, Les Savy Fav, Ugly Cassanova, Ween, Cul de Sac, Minor Threat, Propaghandi, Interpol, The Moldy Peaches, Bratmobile, Cat Power, Bikini Kill, Blonde Redhead, Dismemberment Plan, Jets To Brazil, Four-Hundred Years, Erics' Trip, Damien Jurado, Joan Jet, Modest Mouse, Moguai, Operation Ivy, The Hives, The International Noise Conspiracy, Phil Ochs, . . .And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead, Sonic Youth, At The Drive In, Sebadoh, Weeping Tile, Yo La Tengo, The Flaming Lips, - k, this list will not stop, but you get the idea.
American Beauty, Swimming with Sharks, Amelie, Curtis's Charm, Ararat, The Corporation, Bowling for Columbine, Donnie Darko, Office Space, Way Downtown, Requem for a Dream, and Waking Life to name some
KILL YOUR TV! However, I fill my hard drive with episodes of Family Guy, Futurama, The Oblongs, Sealab 2021, Serial Experiments Lain, and of course Clone High. . . Although on TV the news is good, if you like satire I suppose.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, 1984, Catch 22, and non-fiction by Murray Dobbin, Maude Barlow, Noam Chomsky and the likes of them
yeah right heroes? Aren't they just the people you like, and then find out years later that they are drug adicts, womanizers, egotists, drunks, adulterers or other social malcontents - and then there are the ones that are charter members of the 27 club. Yeah right heroes?? You are out of your mind. . . .ButRosa Parks ,Emma Goldman , andMother Joneswere kinda cool.