kindoki profile picture


joined a suicide cult today an killed ourselves for the cliche

About Me

i am :( go away

Myspace Layouts at / Bloody GIR

My Interests

i love all things artistic,i paint,i sculpt,i write,make stuff outta plastercine bits of metal bits of stuff being born out of a mixture of old stuff its like im my own god of creation master of minions hehe.theres nothing better than turning into a kid an getting everything covered in paint and handprints. Im also a big geek for the online game world of warcraft,i got a couple of characters.undead grr i gonna cannibalise ur corpse yumyum
Your Japanese Name Is...
Misako Kawashi What's your Japanese Name?

I'd like to meet:

anyone whos cool,an if ur an extreme mix of chilled out an mental then even better, im also looking for new bands(just for my personal collection cant get u gigs or signed etc) if u play in a band that has tons of double bass and tuneful heavy singing(i hate goblin music,like cradle of filth,cannibal corpse)then add me.i also like more downbeat stuff like nuerosis and pelican if u make really fukt up electronic music then get in touch its all about the bass!hehe..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: red green brown monster mix
Hair Color:: black
Height:: 5'10"
Favorite Color:: purple bright pink black bright blue
Screen Name:: kindoki
Favorite Band:: gojira, poison the well, katatonia ,unearth
Favorite Movie:: spun,nightwatch,the machinist
Favorite Show:: my name is earl.home in the sun
Your Car:: black cab
Your Hometown:: ayr
Your Present Town:: glasgow
Your Crushes First Name:: fairypuffindollfaceinwhitepants
Your Grade:: class a
Your Style:: dirtygrungesmelly stonerboypantsfairyglitterwingedhobeast
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: in another time on another rooftop but it was mine
Kissed someone in the rain?: it hurt when he cried the rain tasted sweet it washed away my kiss
Danced in a public place?: no but ah saw a man dance in staresys backdoor,apparantly thats mega public
Smiled for no reason?: am pure goth ah dinae smile
Laughed so hard you cried?: peed?oh cried,yeah at borat
Peed your pants after age 8?: nope peed the floor haha ah did!
Written a song?: a poem
Sang to someone for no reason?: doo doo de be doo,i did that in someones ear in a monster voice grr rargh
Performed on a stage?: amsterdam u ken!!only kiddin
Talked to someone you don't know?: yeah but only when i got that pill that forces u to speak to weirdos
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: if theye got mint poppets otherwise i befriended u cos ah like u
Made out in a theatre?: no,just a simple no
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: nope
Been in love?: always
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: baillie
Tell you, I love you?: i cant remember i dont think anyone thinks of me that way,infact everyone i know is all emotionally shielded,next thing il b dead an they will have wished they said it
Kiss you?: glenn
Hug you?: glenn
Tell you BYE?: kenny n baillie
Write you a note?: cant remember but i love notes everyone should write me one pleasbboe
Take your photo?: staresy but i looked like an alien monster so i deleted it scary
Call your cell phone?: my ickle sister
Buy you something?: glenn
Go with you to the movies?: davehat,mel,fatmike,baillie,gareth an 3other guys i dont really know
Sing to you?: dunno maybe flatmates for ma bday
Write a poem about you?: a friend a long time ago
Text message you?: purdy siobhan
Touch you?: glenn
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: bout an hour ago in an interview
Time you cried?: on monday when i got fired for bein hopeless
Movie you watched?: spirited warrior some old school russian voodoo movie
Joke you told?: whos a thick?u hahahaha
Song you've sang?: deftones no 3 from new album
Time you've looked at the clock?: 4.36pm
Drink you've had?: frosty jacks right the noo
Number you've dialed?: jobcentreplus tryin to find fulltime work in glas is hard
Book you've read?: decca aitkinhead..travels in search of the perfect E
Food you've eaten?: millies cookie an little pigs n mice from thorntons
Flavor of gum chewed?: shiny turquoise extra
Shoes you've worn?: shiny interview shoes
Store you've been in?: boots
Thing you've said?: im a really good worker an i love the public
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: kinda,left one is like from when i was 4
Whistle?: yeah
Blow a bubble?: yeah
Roll your tounge in a circle?: nope
Cross your eyes?: yeah
Touch your tounge to your nose?: nope
Dance?: spaz out more like with jungle beat to chill out
Gleek?: huh?!!
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: nope i pass out pass me the number A an il be up for blethers
Speak a different language?: i can bark an miaow im well talented
Impersonate someone?: i can impersonate a posh person
Prank call people?: thats just childish
Make a card pyramid?: nope
Cook anything?: i make fantastic things that can only be described as things but they taste yummy
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: fish id probably drown
I wish ...: i had a photogenic memory
So many people don't know that ...: i am a doctor of journalism
I am ...: wibblywobbly fandan jobbilie
My heart is ...: in my words and through ur ears
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You scored as The Anti-Heroine. You are neutral. You take no sides to the melodrama that life..'s plane subsides. You feel most people are annoying, and only give your love to those you love. You bask in your solitude.

The Anti-Heroine


The Angel of Death




Fallen Angel








Guardian Angel

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really into films with drugs gore violence sex,i like being left mindfukt from a film. favourites include fear an loathing,requiem for a dream,dead mans shoes,eternal sunshine,wonderland,creep,spun,napoleon dynamite,butterfly effectooh also like films with badly made monsters...jack the giant killer clash of the titans


i know this aint nothing to do with television cos tv is shit but i think this needs a box all to itself, im not generally a nasty fukk but can ppl please stop asking for adds for crap bands,i hate classical rock,indie,pop,thrash metal,folk,jazz,glam rock,funk,cheesy dance,punk and reggae music.theyre ya go sorry for being a bitch but dont do it ok!!heheoh yeah an while im on a rant can all u stoopid half naked men with fukt up muscles stop sending me adds too ur a bunch of fannys :)altho im having a bit of fun being a fukr and pressing DENIED haha,.... fannys


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My Blog

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by kindoki on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 10:50:00 PST

straight men to gay huh!

first time iv ever felt like writing a stoopid blog but i found this website and its fukt up. go have a look at and have a look at the video clips.its pretty shady what they do to t...
Posted by kindoki on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 04:12:00 PST