You Are Pinot Noir
Sophisticated and worldly, you probably know more about wine than most drinkers.
You have great taste, and you approach all aspects of life with a gourmet attitude.
You believe that the little things in life should be cherished and enjoyed... and of the best quality possible.
And while you may take more time to eat a meal or tour a city, it's always time well spent.
Deep down you are: A seductive charmer
Your partying style: Refined. And you would never call it "partying"
Your company is enjoyed best with: Stinky expensive cheese
What Kind of Wine Are You?
there are many people i would like to meet...but the most important thing is that whom ever i meet in my life i want them to be interesting and leave me with having been able to learn something from them.
Background Artist:
Melody Hay This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!
I love lots of different music. I tend to look to my friends and family for suggestions on things to listen to because I so rarely listen to the radio.
I grew up watching Doris Day, Audrey Hepburn, and Elizabeth Taylor. Casablanca, Giant, Pillow Talk, the original Ocean's Eleven. I love them!
I love The Office, Grey's Anatomy, CSI, Men In Trees, and many other good shows. But I also enjoy other unique shows that most people think are a little weird or boring. Such as my chemistry teacher told us about a Nova episode that was on how scientists found absolute zero and when I got home I set my DVR to record it the next time it was one. Hey... I like science!
"Time Traveller's Wife"... one of my favorite books. I always have a few books I'm reading at once. Right now I'm reading Einstein: His life and Universe, What Is Evolution, and The Dead Sea Scrolls. I also made a deal with my friend Lorisa to read two chapters a week of Stephan Jay Gould's Ever Since Darwin. On top of all the reading we both have to do for school!
In general my heroes are my grandparent's... They were amazing people who left a very big impression on this world. If in my life I can be half of what they were I will feel truly blessed.