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prometheus is always about the future

About Me

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MySpace Layoutsi am a part of many things around me that can be creative in their endevors. i like looking at things from different points of view and trying to see other people's perspective on subjects even if i don't agree with them. i really try to see the good in people or the potential they might have. call it being older and maybe a little wiser. i feel like arguing over religion or spirtituality is pointless, because someone always has a different opinion. politics is different to me, because it is something i can see and possibly prove through certain areas of research. the tangibility of that subject is something that no one can really deny, while the subject of religion is an intangible issue of faith. i like to ask questions, but i rarely find the answers i would like. there is more going on in this world than what is in front of us, but it's getting through everything else is the problem. i try to think for mylself, but try to listen to others at the same time. it's hard, but it can be done. there is so much that cannot be covered in this little space, but feel free to ask me any questions.

My Interests

the things i am interested in can vary from time to time, but somethings do remain constant. i always have had a high interest in music, movies and other kind of art forms. i model time to time when it can be creative in the images and themes. multi-media production is a big interest of mine and has been since i was really young. i dj sometimes at a local club here.i have a high interest in the time period between WWI to WWII, especially the 1930's. just the whole time period intriges me to no end and it is a time in which i could have lived. into odd black and white photography and art that is obscure or vintage. i also get into old communist and fascism propaganda art and fasion. i am not a fascist by anymeans, but i love the look.i do have a huge interest in ancient religions and the occult that have lead me many place and given me many different ideas on how to construct my own belief system. the research that i have done in this area has lead me to ask many questions and only finding one answer at a time shrouded in more mystery. it is a journey that is always changing and giving me a challenge to seek out more knowledge.

I'd like to meet:

friends and people who do more than just exist in the world. people who are interested in changes for the times we are in, especially with all the history that is going on or that can be made.


trip-hop, electronica, old school country, punk,80's metal, goth, swing, industrial, hip-hop, old school rap, new wave, 1920's,30's and 40's jazz. favorite artists include massive attack, tricky, portishead, faithless, the cure, joy division, judas priest, run dmc, ramones, misfits, bauhaus, jane's addiction, the faint, bjork, billie holiday, bessie smith, social distortion, johnny cash, the cramps, nine inch nails,faith no more, leonard cohen, tom waits, the roots, patsy cline, louis armstrong, josephine baker, flunk, dean martin, dead kennedys, david bowie, cab calloway, the front.


an inconvient truth, a crude awakening, 300, the prestige, v for vendetta, rent, bram stokers dracula, the green mile, sin city, batman begins, akira, ghost in the shell, 1984, lord of the rings, leon the professional, memento, reqium for a dream, fight club, gattaca, the machinist,oh brother where art thou, hellboy, metropolis, mrs. parker and the vicious circle. also old film noir and alfred hitchcock films.


carnivale, smallville, mad men, the contender,the tudors, mxc, robotech, justice league, adult swim, forensic files, c.s.i., top chef and almost anything on the history channel.


fight club, lullaby, any sandman, sin city, 1984, the prophet, farenhiet 451, any hellboy, american gods. also books on ancient religions, the occult and mythology. i especially have interests in the areas of gnosticism, hermetic philosophy, christianity, judaism, islam, kabbalah, alchemy and many forms of mythology.


those who support and contribute to the fight against global warming like al gore or laurie david and the many others trying to make a real change that benifits the world.

My Blog

Moving 2

I won't be posting again until Wednesday since that is when we are going to have our cable back on at the new place. Tomorrow is the move and I am fucking tired right now. We are still packing after m...
Posted by niklos on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 09:28:00 PST

All roads lead to.....

I would like to apologize to any friends that I have seemed to ignore as of late. I say this in all sincerety that I have not called anyone because I don’t wish to speak with them. Quite the con...
Posted by niklos on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 08:42:00 PST

The New Crusade

The leader of the free worldExpanding beliefsOf only a small amount of The score of populationis only for the taskPollitical upheaval engulfsThe unstable countryWith Babylon at it centerThe two r...
Posted by niklos on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 11:17:00 PST


So we have taken pictures and video of the whole incident, as well as logged everything into a journal of that whole weekend. I had to miss two days of work for this and the landlord does not seem to ...
Posted by niklos on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 11:22:00 PST


Too much stuff going on in my life to really write it down right now. Maryam and I are moving to another place. We had a major sewage back up in our downstairs restroom and we had to throw  bucke...
Posted by niklos on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 11:18:00 PST

The Wedding Date

Maryam and I have now figured out a date for our wedding and we also know what type of theme it is going to be. It will be on June 20th of 2009, which is the Summer Solstice and we plan on having...
Posted by niklos on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 02:13:00 PST


I've been having a hard time with somethings as of late. Too much stuff going on all at once in my world that I am having a hard time coping sometimes. No one worry, my relationship with Maryam is fin...
Posted by niklos on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 01:43:00 PST

the red rift

he wind picks uppressure buildsthe midwest in chaosa storm that is three seasonsin two frontsthe radar showsthis long riftcrimson with pocketsof purple intensitysurrounded by yellowand green before wh...
Posted by niklos on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 10:14:00 PST

are you listening?

everyone start saving your money and find a comfortable spot to get into, because the road is about to get's official we are in a recession and it's getting worse. i don't think this governme...
Posted by niklos on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 12:56:00 PST


as a mass of tornadoes fill the skys of the southno one comes to gripsno one identifies the causeno one sees the truththe news is playing ignorantthe weather man won't say itthe money men don't want t...
Posted by niklos on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 10:29:00 PST