neck on the new blade profile picture

neck on the new blade

a collection of knives from the jungian shakedown

About Me

i'm a bellmaker.flog them in my father's name.
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My Interests

occasionally writing trash. sometimes drawing things. sewing now and again. once in awhile belly dancing. eating more often than not. anachronism more creative than what you're accustomed to or comfortable with.

I'd like to meet:

"tempest, sisters of the hurricanes; bluish firmament, whose beauty i refust to acknowledge; hypocritical sea, image of my own heart; earth, who hold mysteries hidden in your breast; the whole universe; god, who created it with such magnificence, it is thee i invoke: show me a man who is good... but at the same time increase my strength tenfold; for at the sight of such a monster, i may die of astonishment: men have died of less." -lautreamont, "maldoror"


probably nothing that would impress you art school kids, sorry.


andrei rublev, siberiade, 4, santa sangre, the holy mountain, gozu, the seventh seal, stalker, anything with buster keaton


anything with blood spatter analysis, tim and/or eric, or indigenous nudity.


oh, goodness. robert aickman, angela carter, cormac mccarthy, william blake, dostoevsky, robertson davies, flannery o'connor, harry crews, gaetan soucy, thomas ligotti, terry lamsley, jean genet, lautremont, father seraphim rose, alexander men, michael shermer, rene guenon, julius evola, ad nauseam. i enjoy books written in "fancy talk", like shakespeare and the bible.


robert aickman

My Blog

it sucks to be ugly, but michelle insisted...

unsurprisingly, my top match was a manly mannish man. draw your own conclusions. ...
Posted by neck on the new blade on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 07:55:00 PST

self portrait with apocalypse

Posted by neck on the new blade on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 09:25:00 PST