Rusch profile picture



About Me

So much for that page everyone complained about. I know it loaded way too slow and was somewhat confusing. I plan on just keeping in "boring" from now on.
    I'm 27 years old I play the trumpet in a SKA band I love photography I like to ride my bike(even though it hurts) I love my job My friends are awesome I live alone in downtown St.Pete I have three fish I have way too many dreams that will most likely not come true but some of the best one already have so it evens out Cherries are gross I love to kayak Frozen pizza is great thing I have a MACbook laptop that has never been used in a Starbucks (I HAD to use it in Vegas in a Starbucks.. I didn't want to pay $24 for internet at the hotel just to check in my flight! SO I did it ok I did it.. wanna fight about it?!) Family Guy is awesome ALL OF MY BANDMATES ARE THE BEST! I did write all of this at midnight on a weekday (I don't sleep much) I have a queen size bed I have some cavities I have one sister and a step-brother My parents are divorced I have a 3 year old nephew I don't know what else to say Ask me whatever you want--AIM = bl0wmyh0rn----

My Interests

The trumpet,
anything music related,
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas!!,
Mountain Biking

I'd like to meet:

This is the Drum Corps I ALWAYS wanted to march but never got the chance. This video does not do justice on how loud it really is.


The Used,
Less Than Jake,
My Chemical Romance,
Sum 41,
Rude Squad,
Crooked Edge,
28 Gates,
System f A Down,
Linkin Park,
Blink 182,
Kenny Logins,
Winton Marsalis,
Mighty Mighty Boss Tones,


Boonedock Saints,
Point Break,
Any of the Christopher Guest Films,
Shawshank Redemption,
Kill Bill volumes 1 and 2,


National Geographic,
Family Guy,
Aqua Teen Hunger Force,
Modern Marvels,
Discovery Channel,
History Channel...
I am a looser!


Dr Johns Bathroom reader..
is there anything else?

My Blog


I have never posted a blog. I really don't plan on making a habit of doing so in the future I just wanted to say something, well maybe a few things.I was at home pretty much all day today (aside from ...
Posted by Rusch on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 09:41:00 PST