Angelina Clementine profile picture

Angelina Clementine

I'm the fatso! Gotta love me!

About Me

I'm an April Fool's Day 2008 baby! I love to drool on my Mommy & bite her. I like to growl at my Daddy & laugh at my brother. I am trying to crawl, but sometimes I forget that I'm supposed to be crawling, so I scoot around on my back--Mommy says that's why my hair's not growing faster on the back of my head--I keep scooting it off!! ----------------------------------------------------------- MyGen Profile Generator ----------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

My Interests

Food, drooling, biting people's shoulders, playing with anything that I can grab, pinching, bathing, kicking, playing with my brothers hot wheels cars, and scooting all over the house.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody that has food or my bottle so I can eat! And whoever has my toys cuz I'm reaching out & grabbing stuff these days! It's hard work to be this cute!!


Scooby Doo theme song & Spongebob Squarepants theme song.


I don't watch TV long enough to have a favorite movie--my attention span is too short right now!


I like the colors & animals on Animal Planet & Dirty Jobs. I like the sound of Mike Rowe's voice--it catches my attention when he's on TV!


I like when people read to me since I can't read yet. It really doesn't matter who reads to me or what they read to me, I'm not particular yet.


Mommy cuz she feeds me & changes my dirty diapers & plays with me & all that good stuff; my Daddy cuz I like to pull his hair & watch TV with him and we just chill; my big brother John Ross cuz he plays with me & makes me laugh & he feeds me too; Pookie cuz I like to bite her on the ears when I can catch her!

My Blog

Butter went to school!!

My Butter went to school without me today!  Mama made him miss the bus, so I stayed with Mawsie & Poppa while she drove Johnnie to school.  I laid out on Mawsie's hood & had my bottl...
Posted by Angelina Clementine on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 09:55:00 PST

Wagon ride!

Mama buckled me in and took me an' Butter for a wagon ride earlier this evening!  It was so much fun!  I like the gravel part of the road, not the paved part, cuz the gravel part is bumpy an...
Posted by Angelina Clementine on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 10:20:00 PST

Screaming about hurricanes!

Did I ever tell you I hate hurricanes?  They are no fun & Mommy gets paranoid & my brother drives me crazy.  I was cooped up indoors with him (& everybody else) for the hurricane...
Posted by Angelina Clementine on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 06:51:00 PST

Dr Visit

I had to go to the doctor today cuz my mommy's crazy!  She thought I had an ear infection or a throat infection.  I just like to scream about everything.  That crazy Mommy just didn't g...
Posted by Angelina Clementine on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 06:43:00 PST

My Teeth!

I got my first tooth in Sunday night.  Mawsie found it cuz I bit her with it.  Tee hee hee!  I bit Mama Tuesday morning cuz she woke me up (it was an accident, but I bit that crazy old ...
Posted by Angelina Clementine on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 06:15:00 PST

A trip to Alexandria

Mama took me to Alexandria this weekend to see some of our relatives.  I'm not really sure what she was thinking, but boy did they ever play "Pass the Baby" with me!  If I dirtied my diaper ...
Posted by Angelina Clementine on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 07:39:00 PST


Mama let me hang out on her bed yesterday & acted all silly (like she always does in the mornings) & kissed my cheeks until I squealed & laughed out loud.  That woman is crazy, but I ...
Posted by Angelina Clementine on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 06:45:00 PST


My Mommy laughed at me yesterday cuz I had the giggles when she changed my diaper!  I made a nice green mess for her.  Maybe not so funny to HER, but I thought it was hilarious.  I got ...
Posted by Angelina Clementine on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 04:54:00 PST