Food, drooling, biting people's shoulders, playing with anything that I can grab, pinching, bathing, kicking, playing with my brothers hot wheels cars, and scooting all over the house.
Anybody that has food or my bottle so I can eat! And whoever has my toys cuz I'm reaching out & grabbing stuff these days! It's hard work to be this cute!!
Scooby Doo theme song & Spongebob Squarepants theme song.
I don't watch TV long enough to have a favorite movie--my attention span is too short right now!
I like the colors & animals on Animal Planet & Dirty Jobs. I like the sound of Mike Rowe's voice--it catches my attention when he's on TV!
I like when people read to me since I can't read yet. It really doesn't matter who reads to me or what they read to me, I'm not particular yet.
Mommy cuz she feeds me & changes my dirty diapers & plays with me & all that good stuff; my Daddy cuz I like to pull his hair & watch TV with him and we just chill; my big brother John Ross cuz he plays with me & makes me laugh & he feeds me too; Pookie cuz I like to bite her on the ears when I can catch her!