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Hunter S. Rob


About Me




My only Promise to this World

Is to steal as much Truth as I can

And to shape it

Into the image of myself

So I might know

What I really look like

And as I lay dying

I may at last realize

What has been within my body

This entire time.

my boy, Jon:

My Interests


"My son,

We are the exiled people.

Take my hand, and

I will teach you how to survive;

Amoungst the wolves

And the sky scrapers."


1) Construction of the cage:

a. the soul is weak, and it is naked.

b. in order for survival one must construct a cage around the soul, for the soul's own protection.

c. the contstruction begins the second the womb-gates of Eden are shut away between Mother's closed legs.

2) The bars of the cage are constructed from the materials of the lessons we are taught. These lessons can be things learned from anyone: parents, teachers, or friends.

3) The bars:

a. you have a name.

b. you must go to sleep at night.

c. you must do well in school.

d. you must learn to be disciplined by forcing your attention from that which you really desire onto that which you have been told you must give attendance to.

e. ignore your own ideas and do as you are told.

f. it is a sign of maturity when you trade your dreams in for reality.

g. drugs are bad and offer no benifts to the individual or to society.

h. bath regularly and have good hygenie.

i. want to have a family.

j. follow sports.

k. surround yourself only with nice looking things.

l. spend your youth in a room starring at books, filling your head with pointless lessons which have no point but do prevent you from thinking.

m. never test yourself with intentional pain or loss of comfort; just test yourself by spending more and more time doing more and more things other people tell you to do.

n. seek continuation of comfort at all costs

o. don't associate with those outside of mainstream society; they're weird and not like you

p. keep updated with fassion styles

q. constantly be consumed with how you look

r. eye contact.

s. smile

I'd like to meet:


in every new dream
i am re-lighting the flame
i am spreading saxaphone
thru the streets
like honey; -

in every new dream

candles light
colors awake; -
dark colors,
the purest
born is every child,
from so far into beyond its

i long for those days,
those days
when thought
when we saturated the worlds in meanings; -
unleashing sparkling pools of soul
(with our psyches pledged in an eternal kiss orgy of spirits burning)
awakening demi-gods within
conversation; -

in endless rant crystal labyrinths
built of all poetry eternities in every singular moment of

blaring from our mouths

soul whores,
blood oaths, and full moons
weavings of dream
from where beyond becomes
before; -

fuck my soul
fuck my soul
blow my fucking mind
when you think
what we think
what you think
what i...

and it all

(not a little); -




Thru the fog
I saw that
the stars

their light

that the rays
showered down
over me
were really

and they were bathing me
and had always been

constantly weeping
their light
baptizing me in their sorrow

so that i



-an angel,
an angel,
oh sooooo beautiful,
Heaven… see
mist composing her, know
particles of her orgasm, skin, soft
as feathers,
sweet at songs, sweet song of skin, her skirt, this want, nature, psyche navigator;
- and, man, it feels good, it feels good, the whole earth,
the span of the heavens,
the vastness of dimensional pyshics,
the mathematics that wrote the universe - All that! Nothing - Lacey, Lacey, oh, how fucking, fucking, fucking HOLY, her, HOLY, my complete and total
hypnotizim her skin is liquid, straight shot of
nuclear sensations coursing millions of eons worth of mankind’s pleasure history
single second
of skin,
skin, sing, sigh, stretch, sideways, slip
into nether cosmos of the senses – witnessing
the birth of the Universe
skin, and
her, down her warm,
her heat, her soft heat, her
thin layer of pillow
flesh, her
shivering with
lava, her breath
the wind of the


summer afternoon
roar of sizzle in the air
blue skies, all bleached with enormous
spikes of star furnace galactic Heaven machine
star inferno
entity, raging
of 50ccs pure daylight each! - Hot as shit!


Standing in my path of closing the door behind us, she's unflinching; - the bright-ass

fluorescent light shinning down from the ceiling, her pale face looking at me, drenched thick with dramatic, over done make-up; - her blue eyeliner spread unceremoniously around and out from thin, snake-like, green emerald cosmos of soul machine nexus star snow, forever, spanning down into new dimensions; - at each level of depth and detail, another Goddess revealed; -


you came to me when midnight was without
Whisper Pyramid
You can call it whatever you want;
It's calm clouds flowing by, chasing after birds,
It's my palace is everywhere
It's your palace is everywhere
It's our palace is each other
(and as long as you are alive, I am alive)
It's the scriptures of ourselves,
It's a flickering spiritual candle in a night void of light
It's communication beyond boundaries of Language
It's satellite communication with psychic appendages
It's mad collections of energy
It's everyone exploding
It's you exploding and becoming me
It's me exploding and becoming you
It's our machine, you and I especially, and the especially the others too -
Its us devouring each other constantly
It's something too beautiful to explain
I'm not even sure how it started;
But a Universe is born into this world
This Universe is

My Blog


So last night was cool. Camille picked me up around ten and we rolled on over to Hole In The Wall to see this band that is part of the crew here called The Bread. I didn't actually even see the band...
Posted by Hunter S. Rob on Wed, 21 May 2008 09:44:00 PST

jonathon livingston seagull

In the days that followed, Jonathon saw that there was as much to learn about flight in this place as there had been in the life behind him. But with a difference. Here were gulls who thought as he ...
Posted by Hunter S. Rob on Tue, 20 May 2008 02:19:00 PST

sleep it off

Last night I headed over to the Trash Can Apt. for drinks with Lindsey, Jon, Andy, and Carey. After much coercing everyone got me drunk enough that I didn't care that the suction cup things from the ...
Posted by Hunter S. Rob on Tue, 20 May 2008 08:59:00 PST

How does it get any better than this?

So I've been doing acupuncture every week. It is AMAZING. My injury is healing so fast!!!! Even the accupuncturist was commenting on how much better I seem. What a fucking relief. I got to say, li...
Posted by Hunter S. Rob on Mon, 19 May 2008 02:49:00 PST

for tomorrow, for the week, for the world.

Today was a good day. A damn good day.In the morning there was an unsettledness which hit me really hard. I think it had to do with so much NEWness, as well as a complete perceived shift in all thin...
Posted by Hunter S. Rob on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:48:00 PST

this makes me so happy

Wasteland Writers Rising!Lacey, Blue, And Hunter S. Rob....
Posted by Hunter S. Rob on Sun, 18 May 2008 07:35:00 PST

sounds like heaven

So I was thinking about how great it feel to feel so imbued with calm, subtle peace.Instead of the regular going out sort of saturday night thing, I've opted to stay in and work on my resume. Maybe w...
Posted by Hunter S. Rob on Sun, 18 May 2008 07:34:00 PST

The Austin Wastelanders, the movement

Well, what a wonderful few days I have just had. First Evan and I went to wedding. My first Texas wedding. Both of the couple were bawling, it was cute as shit. I did notice it was the first time ...
Posted by Hunter S. Rob on Sat, 17 May 2008 11:45:00 PST

The Austin Wastelanders, the movement (pt2)

I woke up in the morning feeling hungover. That's strange for me. My first thought was, shit, how am I going to get shit done today when I feel like this. Then the door opened and Andy and Lindsey ...
Posted by Hunter S. Rob on Sat, 17 May 2008 12:01:00 PST

raw pure being like a star.

So tonight I went to do this class with this amazing healer lady. Ever since I got to Austin I've been hearing the buzz about this lady named Audrey. Well tonight i got to meet her. What an honor. ...
Posted by Hunter S. Rob on Thu, 15 May 2008 09:03:00 PST