Modest cracker jacks with simple surprises.
"Don't lose hope, no don't feel sad, cuz it's a violent world but there's still beauty..." - Of Montreal
In an interview, Bird explained that the song was born during a time of writer's block. Thinking that his muse had left him, Bird cracked open a volume of old English poetry and came across the mysterious word that serves as this song's title. Bird had no idea what he meant, but, for whatever reason, the song seemed to flood him with inspiration, and the great songs began gushing out. It's an easy-going, lilting little pop song about fighting back against the forces that seek to contain and confine creativity. It's a song about the tricky nature of inspiration. It's a song about something happening that's never happened before "and a word washed ashore."
Mary: Do you know the story of Sisyphus?
Leo: Who?
Mary: Sisyphus. It's a myth about this guy who had to roll or push this incredibly huge rock up this steep mountain. Every time he would get to the top of this mountain the rock would roll down again. he would watch this and walk back down the mountain and do it all over again. Forever.
Leo: Drag.
Mary: It's a metaphor for life, Leo. It's famous. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.
Leo: Bullshit. He's miserable.
Mary: He doesn't have to be. He accepts his fate.
Leo: You're telling me if you name is Syphilis and you spend your life lugging a fucking rock up a hill you wouldn't be miserable?
"If you go home with somebody, and they don't have books, don't fuck 'em! And DVDs don't count!"
-John Waters
....The strip shows Lucy methodically making a series of tiny snowmen, then stomping on them, as Charlie Brown looks on.
Lucy explains matter-of-factly: “I’m torn between the desire to create and the desire to destroy.�