boozy bob ross profile picture

boozy bob ross

avada kedavra bitches!

About Me

I make a lot of Indian food as of recent and I don't think I can stop myself!! ..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V

My Interests

BOOOOZZEEE!!!!! chili, making music for the musically challenged, teeth brushing, kittys

I'd like to meet:

the master control program


polysics,brainiac,devo,six finger satellite, man? or astro-man?,the causey way, sump pumps, daquiri,tub ring, le tigre,chicks on speed, johnny cash, the coug,


godfather, wrath of khan, lord of the rings, batman, fire walk with me,


star trek


grapes of wrath, the dirt, man in black, are we not men.

My Blog

gary is FUCKING depressing!

so my work has me in gary indiana for the day. 2 appointments, one at 10am the other at 5pm. that leaves yours truly with six hours to burn in the most depressing area of indiana/the midwest ever. I (...
Posted by boozy bob ross on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 02:38:00 PST

The humunga cowabunga from downunda...

what, you dont like back to the beach?! Its a classic!!!!seriously though, Ive been remembering more and more shit fom my childhood recently (i.e  cartoon theme songs, cereal jingles, car ads, ba...
Posted by boozy bob ross on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 06:23:00 PST

i'm an indoor kid.

  this cast is killing me! if i go outside even for  a few minutes i start sweating like its nobodys buisness. so i've resigned myself to being an indoor kid, consistently on the internet an...
Posted by boozy bob ross on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

how much do you know about me?

test your skills! 91729-258496
Posted by boozy bob ross on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


thats right, as of august 10th the house on poo corner (or the house of the rising dung) shall be no more. we will be relocating to echo base (we being kyle james and i) @ the corner of 1st and washin...
Posted by boozy bob ross on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST