"Anybody and everybody. I believe people are the clearest mirrors we have in seeing and understanding ourselves. Everything noble and wicked, silly and sad, wonderful and scary, rewarding and humbling, painful and truely beautiful that we see in the people we meet is nothing less than an extension of our inner self. We really are all one and the same, connected in life through every experience of each other. A collective conscious? Maybe. But more that anything we're connected through love. So when you see that mirror walking down the street, the one that is obnoxious, rude, maybe hating the world, remember they're nothing more than a reflection of you. Embrace them not through blame or judgment but through love and acceptance. And while it's okay to have a few of your favorite mirrors around (my ego, she's a hungry little bitch and likes to be fed often), remember to stare at a few cracked mirrors, a few dirty mirrors, and a few broken mirrors because they are the true reflections of ALL that makes us human. So next time I see you (because one day I will) thank you for helping me see another small piece of myself." - Bradley Hayes
paramore hallelujah (NEW Official Video)
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Eat Pray Love (AUDIO)
the real ones who already know what they mean to me