ANIMASOUL profile picture



About Me

AniMuS iS thE tRu inNeR sELf... thE uNcOnSiouS.. tHe SouL... aN eXtRacT oF aN AQeouS kiND... SpiRitED aNd froM wiThin... LucY meAnS LiGhT... LucY in tHe sKY... Im an IndEpEndANt LadY of LEisuRe... UniQue ChiLD Of tHE wORLd.. A KOol KaT... LAid BacK... MuSic LoVeR... LoVe cRaVeR... GloBe tRotteR.. I'm A SinGeR/SouFuL SonGwRiTeR... I'm a MuSIc HeAD at HEaRt... MuSiC oN mY miND... MuSic aLL tHe tiMe... MuSiC meLodY mAkeR.. MuSiC CollABorATor.. PlaYinG THe GaME of LifE... CrEaAtinG My LiFe... BLesSeD wt cHOicE... I liKe QuALitY not QuAnTitY... ArT LoVeR... StReeT cULtuRe... ShAkeSpeAre.. HiGh So-So... HiGh FaShiON... VinTaGe... AnTiQuEs... ToY sTorES... OniTSuKa TigERs... Qee CollEcToR... bLoOd DoNer... DunnY HunTer... nO BuLLsHiT tALkeR... BMX NiGhTridEr.. MySteRiOuS... MisUndErStOod... auThEnTic... EcceNtRic... ObSeRvAnt... AnALytiCaL...A LiONesS whO LOveS to eAt and SLeeeP... The LiOn iS tHe siGn oF LuXuRY... LoYaL.. rOyaL.. HoMe giRL... PaRty giRL... FriEnd... LoVer... SouLMaTe... PaSsioNaTe... CoMpaSsIoNaTe... %D%A
%D%A ......

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

CrEAtoRS.. InnOvAToRs.. DirecToRS.. PrOduCeRs.. MuSiCianS.. ArTistS.. PoEts.. GoDs & GodEssES.. KiNgS & QuEEnS.. PeAceMakErS.. LiBeRaTorS.. PeOpLe maKinG a diFFeReNcE aNd tHoSe cApABle oF tAkinG ovEr tHe woRLd..


Beirut.. Billy Holiday.. Bob Marley.. Boozoo Bajou.. Bowie.. Bugz In The Attic.. Chopin.. Coldcut.. Dao Stoner.. Depeche Mode.. Dj DSL.. Jojo Flores.. Donny Hathaway.. Ella.. Eryka Badu.. Eska.. Everything But The Girl.. Fertile Ground.. Fink.. Gilles Peterson.. Gilberto's.. Hanjin.. Herbie Hancock.. Jazzanova.. JBoogie.. Jill Scott.. John Legend.. KAIDI.. Kirkland Underwater.. Kelis.. Kenny Dope.. Koop.. KT.. Lauryn Hill.. Lisa Shaw.. Little Plastic Pilots.. Loose Ends.. Madlib.. Madness.. Marisa.. Marvin.. Massive Attack.. MAW.. Meshell.. Miles Davis.. Miguel Migs.. MJ.. Mos Def.. Muse.. Naked Music.. Nightmares On Wax.. New Order.. Nitin Sawhney.. LGG.. Peven Everett.. Portishead.. Prince.. Quantic Soul Orchestra.. RAWJAK.. Rashaan Paterson.. Robin Thicke.. Royksopp.. Sade.. Sia.. Soulive.. Soulwax.. Sonar Kollectiv.. Stevie Wonder.. Sweetback.. Talib Kweli.. The Constellations.. Thievery Corporation.. The Beatles.. Uptown Rockers.. Zero 7.. 4 HeRo.. 2 Banks Of 4


Choose Your Own Adventure..


My Grandparents RIP..Dadio..Aslan..Charlie Chaplin.. Noah.. Walt Disney.. King Soloman..Empress Wu Zetia..Lan Chai...The Unknown Rebel...