Jezzie Doll profile picture

Jezzie Doll

I am here for Friends

About Me

"Freiheit ist immer die Freiheit des andersdenkenden". Freedom is always, and exlusively; Freedom is for the one who thinks differently. -Rosa Luxemburg.

Myspace Layouts at / Music in Our Blood /p Left of Zero - Cacophony

My Interests

Smoking cigarettes, writing song lyrics, singing, playing my bass, practicing with my band Left of Zero, going to concerts. I like to study psychology and hope to go back to school for Auto Mechanics soon. I also like to scream. A LOT! I love screaming. And hanging out with my 'crew'... That's really about it, music, music, music. Oh, and making music and also my future in music, and don't forget the smokes! Gotta have those little devils!


Local Bands, Alternative music, Punk rock, metal. Bands I love: Nirvana, Hole, Negative Red, Sunnyday Real Estate, Ettison Clio, Choking Susan, Vega, Death By Stereo, 69 Eyes, Sex Pistols, Android Lust, Placebo, Simple Minds, The Cure, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Jack off Jill, Modern English, Elliot Smith, Him, Type 0 Negative, Everytime I Die, Choking Victim, Zounds, Misfits, Bright Eyes,The Birthday Party, Turbonegro, 16 Horsepower, Slim Cessna's Auto Club, Hank the 3rd, there's a bunch more, but if you really want to know, just come hang out with me sometime. I guarantee there will be music that I listen to playing...


Red Cockroaches, Velvet Goldmine, Kill Bill Vol.1 and 2 (because of all the gore), Pulp Fiction,Vampires,Casablanca, Buffalo 66, Almost Famous (the woman of my dreams is in it), and scary gory films I haven't mentioned. Also Vampire Hunter D and other monster movies. Oooh, psychological thrillers like Magic, Crimes and Misdemeanors. Also I like wierd fucking 'cult classics' I guess you could call them....Rocky Horror Picture Show, Prozac Nation, Requiem for a Dream, Mulholland Drive, Blue Velvet, Eraser head, and my all time favorite movie... Wild at Heart(I haven't seen any other David Lynch movies, but I'm sure I'd like those too) fucked up movies like that....


I don't watch television.


John Saul's "Guardian", ABC's of Communism, The Second Sex. I'm not much of a reader. Bukowski is really awesome too... I usually read poetry comps. or newsletters.


I believe that a person should be strong enough on the inside not to need a hero. One should believe in themselves FIRST in order to have someone else believe in them as well. You are the only one that can truly save you, therefore I AM MY OWN HERO... href="" target="_blank"

My Blog

Still Alive....

I haven't really been a very good social person as of late.  Partially because my new job (waitressing at Deja-Vu) is for vampires only and partially because I hate this weather.  Winter mak...
Posted by Jezzie Doll on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 12:37:00 PST

A little update....

Alright people...        As most of you know I have moved back to Lansing (the only city that is allowed to fuck me over so many times and get away with it) and I have be...
Posted by Jezzie Doll on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 11:31:00 PST

Bitch Rock Fest

As many of you already know, I am tryig to organize an event I like to call "Bitch Rock Fest".  I got the name from my good friend Jonah, who calls all female fronted bands "bitch rock"...if they...
Posted by Jezzie Doll on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 03:46:00 PST


Alright, so, as most of you band Left of Zero opened for Dope (Chicago's own) at Harpos on Friday.  While the confusion and stress brought upon ALL the bands by the "wonderful' staff w...
Posted by Jezzie Doll on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 06:11:00 PST

How lame is this....

Name: Rosie Date of Birth: 04/06/86 Birthplace: Owosso, MICurrent Location: Owosso, MIEye Color: BrownHair Color: Brunette Height: 5'2-ish Heritage: SicilianPiercings: ears, lip (labret), nose (left n...
Posted by Jezzie Doll on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 04:44:00 PST

Thank you for your support....

I would like to thank everyone that has supported my music and my band by coming to our shows and for making an effort (and MANY sacrifices) to help further the success of Left of Zero.   &n...
Posted by Jezzie Doll on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 11:30:00 PST

Hard Wired (United)

For anyone interested (bands and/or fans of local and underground bands) Left of Zero is creating a coalition of bands.  By this I mean bands that will play together and travel together to help s...
Posted by Jezzie Doll on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:42:00 PST

I just thought it fit in with the theme of my profile...

If i died tomorrow, andyou would never get achance to see me again.01. What are 5 things youwould want me toknow before I died?1]2]3]4]5]02. What would 5 questions bethat you have been wanting to ask ...
Posted by Jezzie Doll on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:08:00 PST

This was a fun little survey...hopefully it works this time....

Uniqueness Part One:Best Thing Ever Invented:Toilet paper.  Nuff said.Worst Invention:Periods.Best Kind of Bubblegum:anything sugarless.Worst Kind of Bubblegum:anything with sugar.Best Place to L...
Posted by Jezzie Doll on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 09:20:00 PST

Oh Lord won't you buy me sobriety....

Alright.  So I moved back to Owosso about three months ago and up until last night I had been the most bored, BORING person to hang out with.  I will tell you the story of a long night of dr...
Posted by Jezzie Doll on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 02:13:00 PST