❤ TARA MARiE ❤ profile picture



About Me

"I intend to live consciously and courageously -- to resonate with love and compassion -- to awaken the great spirits within others -- and to leave this world in peace..." That right there is my ultimate goal, my ultimate purpose in life...I have big goals and even bigger dreams -- and I will achieve it all!!! Never in my life have I felt so confident and happy and actually HAVE goals and dreams... 2006 was (so far) THE most amazing year of my life and I've met the most amazing people! Traveled to Europe, lived in Hawaii, Cali..... My goal is to become a Holistic Health Counselor/All Natural Nutritionist. I'll be helping people live better not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well! -- after that, my plan is to end up back in Hawaii doing BiG things with those "AMAZiNG people"... I have a ton of life experience and make it a point to learn new things EVERY DAY, and I can't wait to make a difference in as many people's lives as I can. I'm excited about life and enjoying it. ----- I don't know whoWHAT or How it happened, but never in a million years did I think I would make it through -- and not only make it through, but to be TRULY happy and hopeful and.... you know that silly term "At Peace with Myself" ? Yea... you can say that. And it feels great =)"LiVE and LET LiVE; Do Not JUDGE; Take LiFE as it Comes and DEAL WiTH iT; Everything WiLL BE OKAY".... I'm UNiNHiBiTED... and a lil To0 honest for my own good... I'm ANALYTiCAL... about myself and everything else in life... I like to write... I'm pretty opinionated and educated in my own wayz... I'm SPONTANEOUS (and a spaz) & Alwayz up 4 anything... I want to travel & live in different places, and have managed to do so in just the last 2 years! I love making people happy... I love being in LOVE... I'm IRiSH & GERMAN... I can't STAND shadiness, lying, and ignorance, and that comes in many forms. People need to open their fucking eyes (and hearts) sometimes for real... I like to live places where where its warm all the time, but I do miss NYC & JERZ!!! I can be kind of ADDish and scatterbrained (I'm sure those are just my borderline genius traits though ;) hehe RiGHT. I will always have a love for the club scene and the music even though I don't go out much (Maybe just to special events!)... I love my family & friends... they keep me happy & sane & mean the WORLD to me... and I LOVE kids =) I'm sometimes really mellow - sometimes really hyper... I DEF have two very extreme sides to my personality (must be the GEMiNi thing...or is it BiPOLAR???) Hmmmm... and 12 PERFECT words to describe me? I'm KLUTZY... FUN... SMART... AFFECTiONATE... PASSiONATE... INDECiSiVE... SPONTANEOUS... SPiRiTUAL... IMPULSiVE... LOViNG... SEXUAL... SWEET... WELL...that's me in a nutshell! But don't mistake that 4 being ALL I am...

My Interests

MyHotComments NYC... Being in LOVE... FAMiLY... DANCiNG... Desserts... Traveling... Exploring... Getting Lost... Meeting AMAZiNG People... MUSiC... FRiENDS... HOLiSTiC Health & Wellness... FASHiON... Art... Science... NATURE... PHiLOSOPHY... Imagery... UrBaN RoCk ChiC... HARAjUKU LOVERs... Watching Movies... SEX... SPiRiTUALiTY... Poetry... Writing... Victoria's SecreT... PiNk n BlAcK n CAMO... PlAYiNG pOOL (And KiCKiN ass!)... Reading... Learning... Layin in BeD... LAUGHiNG... Actin Silly... Workin OuT... HAWAii... RAiNBOWS... BUTTERFLiES... the BEACH...
MyHotComments TaTToos... Pictures... Making Collages/Scrapbooks... Making people feel Good, happy, helping someone... Helping myself. I can do this ~ Life IS CraZineSs! MiSSiNG a PART of ME <3

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet all kinds of people -- If you can keep my interest, make me laugh, teach me something....then it's worth it.
I created my own layout with the help of www.hot-lyts.com.


MUSiC iS LiFE -- Here are some all time favorites: A PERFECT CiRCLE... SNEAKER PiMPS... RES... TOOL... Fiona Apple... KiMiE... Anuhea... Young Love... Black Eyed Peas... Linkin Park... Led Zepplin... The Beatles... Elton John... No Doubt... Depeche Mode... Daughter Darling... Bush... Incubus... Outkast... NAS... Mobb Deep... METHOD MAN... MADONNA... Alicia Keyes... AiR... SUBLiME... Limp Bizkit... Common... the Gorillaz... Nelly Furtado... Natasha Bedingfield... Nirvana... ~ i LOVE Reggae & Reggaeton, its one of my fav things to dance to! I've also developed such a love for island music and miss it terribly! AND can't 4get my HOUSE music, DnB, TRiBAL and TRANCE!


I. LOVE. MOViES. All BOURNE MOViES.. the Austin Powers'... AMELiE... Atonement... Garden State... LiTTLE MiSS SUNSHiNE... SUPERBAD!... The BEACH... The HOLiDAY... PRiME... ClueLess... CrAzY BeAuTiFuL... ELiZABETHTOWN... Now and Then... Girls Just Wanna Have Fun... MANiC... V for VENDETTA... The Last Samurai... Stepmom... HOW HiGH... Harold & Kumar... White Oleander... Boondock Saints... 28 Days Later... Closer... Oceans 11... Romeo & Juliet... the Harry Potters'... The DEPARTED... A Beautiful Mind... ANYTHiNG w/Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Jim Carrey, Adrien Brody - the PiANiST... the JACKET... and I LOVE MY 80's MOViES!


I love watching things that teach me something, like the HiSTORY or DiSCOVERY Channels... but my typical favorite shows are: FRiENDS. ENTOURAGE. SEX and the CiTY.


I love all books by don Miguel Ruiz: The Four Agreements, The Mastery of Love... Books by PAULO COELHO (The ALCHEMiST), Deepak Chopra, The Dalai Lama... Books on Imagery, The Law of Attraction, The Secret... A MiLLiON LiTTLE PiECES by James Frey... I have tons of Psychology books on things like Bi-Polar, Addiction, Alcoholism, Eating Disorders, Drugs -- These are issues that I or people I've cared about have had to deal with....so I became interested in and educated myself on them. I've got a bunch books on Spirituality and I've recently become increasingly interested in Science and NUTRiTiON/HOLiSTiC HEALTH.


Who'd have thought I'd meet so many people in HAWAii that would leave such a powerful imprint in my life? -- 2 of which are people that I LOOK UP to, ADMiRE, and will FOREVER AMAZE me... Larry Fabulous & Amy Baez -- Continue to kick-ass! Love Youz... 4ever my OHANA <3
MyHotComments "We continue to pack our bodies into clubs, warehouses, and buildings you've abandoned and left for naught - and we bring life to them for one night... Strong throbbing, vibrant life in its purest, most intense, most hedonistic form... In these makeshift spaces we seek to shed ourselves of the burden of uncertainty, for a future you have been unable to stabilize and secure for us... We seek to relinquish our inhibitions and free ourselves from the shackles and restraints you've put upon us for your own peace of mind..."I am a dancer and THIS is is my manifesto....
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My Blog


"Today I Will Make A DifferenceToday I will make a difference. I will begin by controlling my thoughts. A person is the product of their thoughts. I want to be happy and hopeful. Therefore, I will hav...
Posted by d TARA MARiE d on Tue, 27 May 2008 08:55:00 PST

YES, I actually took the time to write this!!!

Tara's "Special" DayI know we've all had a "special" day. You know just the ones I'm talking about, let's just say I felt a little& blonde. I know I'm smart, and it's not even a full moon! (I always...
Posted by d TARA MARiE d on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 09:14:00 PST

The Optimist's Creed

The Optimist's CreedI promise myself...To be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind,To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person I meet,To make all of my friends feel that the...
Posted by d TARA MARiE d on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 09:26:00 PST

Sometimes you need a wake up call

So as I mentioned earlier, I found out today that someone had a Levy against my savings account and garnished everything. If I got more than $0 paychecks every week (which is what I get because my jo...
Posted by d TARA MARiE d on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 08:13:00 PST

LiFE... LOVE... me

You know.... I have tons of Blogs, alot of them written during my travels, and I just went back and read them. If anyone can stand it... go back and read some. They're very uplifting! And I love shari...
Posted by d TARA MARiE d on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 08:45:00 PST

Have You Had a Peak Experience Today?

I liked this article... and I found solice in the fact that I've had many of these moments in just the last year. They continue to happen for me as I have learned to take in every moment I can and ap...
Posted by d TARA MARiE d on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 05:04:00 PST

Aloha my dears!

I'm not mad at you, I'm not ignoring you, I have been REDiCULOUSLY busy, working 3 jobs, and resting whenever I can! My schedule MAY ease up soon, but who knows... Gimme a ring if ya want... hit me up...
Posted by d TARA MARiE d on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:06:00 PST

cry... smile... run wild...

some days my emotions run so wildmost days actually.....i have so much love inside of meso much passionfor everyone...i see beauty in everythingurges to give and give and givelive and livecrysmilerun ...
Posted by d TARA MARiE d on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 12:35:00 PST

She's a Drifter

I found this poem that I wrote while I was in Hawaii -- I went through SO MANY ups and downs!!!Hope you can read and interperet the way I meant it =)~I drift... I drift...I float my way through lifeTi...
Posted by d TARA MARiE d on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 05:16:00 PST

Creating my Dream

     "I think of ohana as an embrace that wraps itself around the spirit of Aloha.  It is a sense of place, a sense of belonging and a private homecoming that returns us to ou...
Posted by d TARA MARiE d on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 12:07:00 PST