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Emotions are vibrations.I just want to feel better

About Me

Life to me now days is an experiance. we dream up our reactions to situations. Life is a lot like a daydream our point of view seems to never pay attention. There are so manythings stimulating us, our minds picks out and gives lables to these shapes and textures. life is much like a dream, what we deal with are the pieces that we recognize our selves they cannot be seen or understood by anyone ellse. No one ellse has the same pieces although we all work at the same puzzle. It is forever Now so accept it. We won't suffer untill We desire. So what is it now that is causing us all this pain? Is it the past, or the future? we are perfectly happy untill we think of better or of worse. I think we should Just be. This molment is never the same twice, Just like every time you meet the same person, every step, and every breath we take. -Pay more attention to that fact- maybe then our innermonolog won't be attacking us, turning our stomachs in knots. Just -love- what you are doing -right now- and you won't have time to suffer. Remember, you can always go back to hell if you miss it. Quieting our minds is like holding our breath, but beneficial. try it time it.. see where you go. http//:www.myspace.com/CasualConfusion

My Interests

I'm interested in Illusion, reality, actuality, Vibrations, emotions. My bass often accompanies me in my journeys, I spend a lot of time looking to the "source of the river" (where everything comes from). I ponder on how people act, why they act, the rules to this dream called life and all the hidden tricks. Over all I'm just looking for a way to release this uneasy tention inside myself and perpetuate a blissful state of exzistance. I used to be able to skate, but now I'm just feeling old and tired most of the time. I wanna' Know what Jesus knew, the Real Jesus (Opposed to the churchian "easter bunny" charicter.) Over all, this one thing is everything to me: Being truely happy and being able to share that, with everyone.

I'd like to meet:

Every one, but on that level where we are all the same and both know it.--check out my band at www.myspace.com/casualconfusion--


1. A Critical Mass A new spiritual awakening is occuring in human culture. A new awakening brought about by a critical mass of individuals who experience their lives as a spiritual unfolding. A journey in which we are led foward by mysterious coincidences. 2. The Longer Now This awakening represents the creation of a new, more complete worldview, which replaces a five hundred year old preoccupation with secular survival and comfort. While this technological preoccupation was an important step, our awakening to life's coincidences is opening us up to the real purpose of human life on this planet, and the real nature of our universe 3. A Matter of Energy We now experience that we live not in a material universe, but in a universe of dynamic energy. Everything extant is a field of sacred energy that we can sense and intuit. Moreover, we humans can project our energy by focusing out attention in the desired direction (where attention goes, energy flows), influencing other energy systems and increasing the pace of coincidences in our lives. 4. The Struggle for Power Too often humans cut themselves off from the greater source of this energy and so feel weak and insecure. To gain energy we tend to manipulate or force others to give us attention and thus energy. When we successfully dominate others in this way, we feel more powerful, but they are left weakened and often fight back. Competition for scarce, human energy is the cause of all conflict between people. 5. The Message of The Mystics Insecurity and violence ends when we experience an inner connection with divine energy within, a connection described by mystics of all traditions. A sense of lightness -buoyancy- along with the constant sensation of love are measures of this connection. If these measures are present, the connection is real. If not, it is only pretend. 6. Clearing the Past The more we stay connected, the more we are actually aware of those times when we lose connection, usually when we are under stress. In those times, we can see our own particular way of stealing energy from others. Once our manipulations are brought to personal awareness, our connection becomes more constant and we can discover our own growth path in life, and our spiritual mission - the personal way we can contribute to the world. 7. Engaging the Flow Knowing our personal mission further enhances the flow of mysterious coincidences as we are guided towards our destinies. First we have a question; then dreams, daydreams, and intuitions lead us towards the answers, which usually are synchronistically provided by the wisdom of another human being. 8. The Interpersonal Ethic We can increase the frequency of guiding coincidences by uplifting every person that comes into our lives. Care must be taken not to lose our inner connection in romantic relationships. Uplifting others is especially effective in groups where each member can feel the energy of all the others. With children it is extremely important for their early security and growth. By seeing the beauty in every face , we lift others into their wisest self, and increase the chances of hearing a synchronistic message. 9. The Emerging Culture As we all evolve towards the best completion of our spiritual missions, the technological means of survival will be fully automated as humans focus instead on synchronistic growth. Such growth will move humans into ever higher energy states, ulitmately tranforming our bodies into spiritual form and uniting this dimension of existence with the after-life dimension, ending the cycle of birth and death.


American Beauty. And anything that will mess with your mind. a shout out to What the pleep do we know.


If it makes me chuckle or feel like I am wiser, I like it.


I like all art. Creative Expression is my favorite.some authors you should check out:(Sri HWL POONJA- This)(Richard Gerber M.D.-Vibrational Medicine)(Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj- I AM THAT)(E.Tolle- the power of now)


Every one, when they are by them selves or in the company of only thoes who love them unconditionally.

My Blog

instromental humans

We are all the same in the same way that silence is the same . We Are All The Same When we are all quiet . When we are not Notes of attitude are sprung with many differant te-q-neeks. People that...
Posted by Haddy on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 08:34:00 PST

no road no dead end

Who you think you are is directly deriven from your past Your Past being what You immagined other's thoughts directed to or about you . -Not what they really thought-   Who are you Right now? Th...
Posted by Haddy on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 08:03:00 PST

what ever to what they say

- I've always belived My thoughts to be inferrior in turn I looked at others to guide me.   Others turned against me calling me stupid All for wanting their knowledge. I took it personally and ...
Posted by Haddy on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 07:48:00 PST


Trapped in the illusion Their Screams of pain I seek solitude  ...
Posted by Haddy on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 07:20:00 PST

Push the needle

Pushed the needle through so many times . the pleasure has lost its pain . So where do I go now when it all hurts so bad nothing hurts any more any less is still the same ? ?...
Posted by Haddy on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 07:15:00 PST

Y they C us as crA-Z

So many people So few understand   They are still water in a glass   My glass has broken and I am all over the floore   Holding shards of glass in my little puddle   "I" still feel...
Posted by Haddy on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 07:03:00 PST

ocean of vibration

my dezires come to spite me Spending all of this time Waiting for change when it happens its all the same   My insides stay the same only the shallow waters change substance actions   emotio...
Posted by Haddy on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 06:54:00 PST

never ending U

A bubble of thought  changes inside emotions  make ups  points of view  These "feelings" inside of "you" stay as the thought bubble fades.  (biase) These feelings give you a b...
Posted by Haddy on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 06:46:00 PST

lets create more pain for ourselves

First off You are Not Your Bodie. Your Bodie is Your Tool.   You are Not Your Thoughts You as a cognite  controle the voice of the bodie.   The Voice Inside is no longer controled...
Posted by Haddy on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 11:20:00 PST

takeing some laps around the track

Be Quiet   Watch the bodie Where it goes   It has no freedom it follows thought.   Just like an R.C.car it follows the remote.   The remote is your inner voice. Do you have contro...
Posted by Haddy on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 11:06:00 PST