*rainbow_calalily* profile picture


we must stare into a crystal ball and only see the past

About Me

Don.t feed the drug child

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"A truely creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanely sensitive. To them a touch is a blow, a sound is a noise, a misfortune is tragedy, a joy is an ecstasy, a friend is a lover, a lover is a god, and failure is death. Add to this cruely delicate organism the overpowering necessity to create, create, create-so that without the creating of music or poetry or books or building or something of meaning their very breath is cut off...thye must create, must pour out creation. By some strange, unknown, inward urgency thye are not really alive unless they are creating."
_Pearl Buck

Best kids Ever

like I said strange obsession....

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My Interests

"I played connect the dots with your beauty marks and I ended up with picture perfect sheet music"
-Sage Francis

MUSIC,peace,friends,laughing,photography,dancedancedance, trying to cook, reading,making wierd noises,bubbles,bats,crows,poetry,I.m so bad at math,love painting,house shows,chance,coloring,rainbows, *metalocalypse*,fire,sleep deprivation,roof tops,daisy chains,old cartoons,hemp, ,parties,Psychedelics,meditation,kids,
sugar (one of my weak points),sexy time,the supernatural,dirty stove tops, the sky,vanilla skies,musicals,the 90.s,alincia and dakota,random nights,body odor,indi flix,dirty boys,showers,old toys,porn,greasy hair,debates,portland,camping,life.....

I'd like to meet:

Dakota is the true Ovalle P-I-M-P
( and again thats O-va-jay beeshes)


Nirvana,brian jonestown massacre, ugly casanova, Beck , Bob Dylan,John Prine,Ben Folds,donovan,JANIS JOPLIN,the breeders,G. Love and Special Sauce, OAR, Skip James, Matisyahu,Erykah Badu,THE WHITE STRIPES,DevotchKa,queen,choking victim,NIN,the velvet underground,calvin johnston,Jefferson airplane,Reo speedwagon,BJORK ,combichrist,quasi,Rasputina,THE MEAT PUPPETS, vasolines, hendrix,simon and garfunkle,john denver,devo,blur,oasis,the fuzztones,talking heads, the bevis fond,thom york/RADIOHEAD,dandy warhols, screaming trees,Skinny puppy,petty,MC5,Rufus Wainright,b52.s,shins,t rex,phish,brendan benson,the racontoures,the smiths,the dresdendolls,John butler trio,depech mode,Sage Francis,googoo dolls, Stigma,TOOL and a perfect circle, Portishead, Bikini kill, sonic youth, stp, Agnosticfront, subhumans,deadmilkmen,violent femmes, clap your hands say yeah, the circle jerks,butthole surfers, massy star,the cure, the melvins, loui the 14th,Gold frap, pantera, soulfly, jesus lizard,sunny day real estate, Kings of leon, my bloody valentine,ANI DEFRANCO, 13th floor elevators,high llamas,tad,super grass, neautral milk hotel, mud honey,wide spread panic, Cream, Johny cash,Arcade fire, Fear, Arab strap,Jollymon, Gov't mule, primus,ratatat,the doors, Alice in chains,rififi,modest mouse,the velvet monkeys,incubus, godz, the byrds, beatles, red red meat,modFun, the flesh tones, international noise conspiracy, xtc,Mars Volta,absolute gray,the lime spiders,deap purple, iron & wine,Blue oyster cult,Iron butterfly, R.E.M, the hoodoo gurus,the hypsters, stooges,helio sequence,tripping daisy, sound track of our lives,the moody blues, DONAVAN FRANKENREITER,mute math, fiery furnaces,circle jerks, my morning jacket,marley,Pulp, The flaming lips, the pixxies, pretty girls make graves, GBH,
muddy water,bb king,imogen heap, dead kennedys, Pink floyd,Garbage, Fiona Appel,, mewithoutyou,super furry animals,Aus rotten, much much much more


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Last of the Savages,anything from Hunter S. Thompson, anything from kurt vonnegut, Dark Star, Turn on Your Mind


Gandhi, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain,Hunter S. Thompson, mothafuckin John Stewart,John Gillis, Maynerd, Fiona Apple, and Audrey Hepurn
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My Blog

Inbetween the Middle

#1we gradually spoke wordless vocabualry schemesmanipulating what you thought ment truthtwisting to the beat of timesshapeshifting melancholydistilled by transfixed wisperstwo seconds behind my minds ...
Posted by *rainbow_calalily* on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 07:19:00 PST

Dancing to the beat of vulnerability

New Poem #1:There.s an impulse to grace the edge of dissolutionBite the  lip of sufferanceReach for comfortDance to the beat of vulnerabilityIntrigue the unwantedbecome the gameNew poem #2:Unders...
Posted by *rainbow_calalily* on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 02:01:00 PST