Ammunition Recordings - 1st RELEASE OUT NOW! profile picture

Ammunition Recordings - 1st RELEASE OUT NOW!

Wtf do you do without Ammunition?

About Me

Tracklists In Blog.
- Contact us on AIM (screen name below) or via Message on here.
- We accept 320k mp3's, and PLEASE Title them appropriately with - "Artist Name / Track Name / and contact info" .... be it myspace url or AIM screen name.
- No clangers! =P
Ammunition Recordings was started for one reason: Ammunition! Those ammo tracks that you know you can drop and totally smash and annihilate any venue with!
Currently, we have some GREAT, very talented artists on board, but we're ALWAYS looking for new talent to join our Ammunition team! Always willing to listen to some quality, energetic drum n bass! So if you're into a hard, high energy style dnb, definitely hit us up!
Above all else, we're in it for the music! We're going for a very family oriented feel and we're dedicated to taking care of those associated with us. To prove this, on our 1st few releases, we're giving 100% profit of sales of the tracks to our artists!
If you'd like to hear tunes forthcoming from our artists, you can catch us live on DnbRadio.Com twice per week. Fridays from 7-830pm EST, and Mondays from 6-8pm EST. We drop releases from artists on board Ammunition giving their name, track name, and where they can be found! So if you're liking the tunes, you can get ahold of the artist directly!
We're also willing to network with other labels, so if you're from a label and like our sound, definitely hit us up. It's our belief that we can all help each other!
If you're interested in joining our team, contact us via Message on here or on AIM as stated under the Demo Submission guidelines.
AIM- AmmunitionDnb

My Interests


Member Since: 6/21/2008
Band Website:
Influences: Any and all Dnb.
Sounds Like:

You can find our tunes at:

Contracts pending with:

- Juno
- Beatport
- i-Tunes
- DjDownload
- AudioJelly
- DnbArena

Record Label: Ammunition!
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Ammunition Recordings - Podcast 001 w/ Tracklist

1st official podcast from Ammunition Recordings! Download from DnbShare: AmmunitionRecordings_OfficialRelease_-Podcast001.mp3.html Download from SendSpace:  ...
Posted by Ammunition Recordings - 1st RELEASE OUT NOW! on Thu, 31 Jul 2008 11:12:00 PST