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About Me

Hey everyone! My name is Daphne Blake. Most of you know me from the cartoon shows of Scooby doo, and the two movis we have put out. I am 16 years old and attend Coolsville high with 3 of my best friends. First there is Velma(she is so smart), then Shaggy(he is the goofball of the group, but he is always trying to keep the group together when we just can not stand to be with each other. and that happens sometimes because we all spend so much time together!), Then there is fred. what can i say about fred. i love him, he always is like the leader of the group in his eyes so we all let him think so, just kidding. we love him and sometimes he has really good ideas. Then of course i can not forget about scooby(yes scooby can be a chicken sometimes but he always makes us laugh and i know i wouldn't change anything about him for the whole world)!Look what a fan wrote about me!!! Everybody loves Daphne Blake. She's beautiful. Her dad's rich (he paid for The Mystery Machine that the gang travels around in). And she's great for the ego since she always needs to be rescued. What's not to love? Unlike her canine traveling companion, the unknown is a challenge to Daphne. She loves a good mystery and hopes to become a famous mystery writer someday. Daphne has more enthusiasm than all the other kids put together, with hundreds of plunges into perilous predicaments under her fashionable belt. Maybe if one of Daphne's brushes with seemingly certain disaster ever manages to mess up her impeccably coiffed hair, she'll think twice about diving head-on into danger...but so far that hasn't happened. You guys know me so well!!!

My Interests

I love to solve mysteries. it is a lot of fun, expect when i get cought. and that seems to happen a lot. anyways i always love to write, movies, music, and a big one is i love to shop. it is a lot of fun getting new things.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone that are fans of the movies or show and people that are not rude!


i like all kinds of music. rap, r&b, country, rock, pop, punk


I love our movies! they are so very cute. then i like things like a knights tale, the wedding date, my best friends wedding, pretty women, disney movies are great


When i watch tv i mostly watch soaps, like young and the restless and bold and the beautiful and my all time favorite is Guiding light. * tammie and jr are greatness* I always watch scooby cartoons(duh), and then girlie things like Laguna beach.


mysteries are my favorite. i like harry potter books, then... do 17, teen, people count as books?


my heros are my friends...velma, shaggy, scooby and fred. with out them i don't know what i would do and it's not just because they save me a lot of the time. they are also my family. and thats a lot and it means a lot to me to have them in my life

My Blog

Give me alittle more time

Thank you guys for being so undersatnding while i am away! there is a family problem right now and i don't have a lot of time to be on the computer. i will get on a write everyone back asap. if you wo...
Posted by Daphne on Fri, 30 Dec 2005 03:43:00 PST

I'm Back!!

So what's up? i missed everyone so much! Thanks to all of you for hanging in there with me.So i want to know what's going on with everyone. My life things are starting to get so much better. I am real...
Posted by Daphne on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:11:00 PST

be back soon

i have to go somewhere so i will not be on-line for a couple of days. i will get back to all your e-mails and comments asap. thanks for everything. love ya all
Posted by Daphne on Sat, 17 Dec 2005 08:46:00 PST


Hey everyone! just want to tell everyone a little bit about what's been going on here in coolsville. it's holiday season and everyone knows it. people are being nice to each other, homes/schools/store...
Posted by Daphne on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 10:15:00 PST

Please Read!

I love all my new friends! But there are some people that are adding me as a friend and then sending hate mail and comments. if you are one of this people i will delete the comment or mail and then bl...
Posted by Daphne on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 12:08:00 PST