STATE ADULTS 大人の状態 (R.I.P.) profile picture


STATE ADULTS R.I.P. JUNE 2008 (dEmo pErhaps oUt)

About Me

Engrish: State Adult set up band summer 2008, we rekord sum songs soon. Band be on split record with other noize soon, and alzo on noizee punk compilation maybe? Ha. We not not make noise, too much drink to lill taim. Smash the pose! Noize Japan!
Japeasy: 2008å¹´å¤ã«ã‚»ãƒƒãƒˆã‚¢ãƒƒãƒ—ã™ã‚‹å¤§äººã®ãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰ã®çŠ ¶æ…‹ã¯ã€ç§ãŸã¡ã®æ­Œrekord合計予定です。バンム‰ãŒä»–のノイズをすぐにレコードを分割し、 alzoをコンパイルnoizeeパンクかもしれないでだ™ã‹ï¼Ÿãƒã€‚私たちは特定するノイズ、リルtaimã ‚’é£²ã¿éŽãŽã‚‹ã€‚ã‚¹ãƒžãƒƒã‚·ãƒ¥ã®ãƒãƒ¼ã‚ºï¼ãƒŽã‚¤ã‚ºæ —¥æœ¬ï¼
NeWS NEwS nEWs: JuNE 2008 STate ADuLTS breAK op!!! tOO manY demandS of REcordkinG kontrAkt aNd beeEr feW. Sob. wE crY in scReaminG agonY oF heLL war. BASTARDS!
state AduLts thAnky yo far yo sappart. We No LongeR noise, too mach pressur By RecorD Campani and FuckIng system. StaTE Adults R.I.P. June 2008.
LAsT unREleASED MateriaL SOnG iS UpladeD.
SrtaTE ADulnkts toTal diSKOgraffii:
COMPUTer duST demO summER 2008 (50 x kasseTTE / 500 x CdR, )
1. "Computer Dust ArrrghhHHHH" (1:49)
2. "FarWEll oF STaTE adulTS thEMe" (2:14)
dO Yo SapPArt u$a MassACRe FallujaH (ReheArSaL kaSseTTe x ?)
1. "japanEse titlE" (0:54)
2. "Computer Dust ArrrghhHHHH" (2:03)
3. "FarWEll oF STaTE adulTS thEMe" (1:45)
4. "unknown" (20:34)
5. outrO scrEAming dead child of FalluJaH (00:25)
toTal diSKOgraffii reLEAsE onE daY relEASe hah.
OrDEr noT noW.
sTAtE AduLTs stAte faRweLL noiSE panKerrS worLd, is.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/13/2008
Band Website: This is it. ごことはありませんウェブサイトの作り方を 知っヘルプ
Band Members: Selassie - drums ドラム Hanataki - bass 低音 Dr Drumky - guitar ギター Smashing - Vox 歌う
Influences: Gai/Swankys, Confuse, State Children, Dust Noise, Screaming Noise, Disorder, Chaos UK, Chaos Channel, Chaos Ch, the Wankys, Cthuwulf, Chaos Destroy, Geranium, D-clone, Isterismo, Fuck Channel, Claysea, Final Bloodbath, Exit Hippies, Abraham Cross, Wank Channel, Boobs Shit, Pretty, People, Framtid, Discharge, Crazy Fuck Up Daily Life, Dead Noise, Disclose, Kuro, Systematic Death, Outo, G.i.S.M., Gloom, Crude SS, Chaotic Dischord, Ferocious X, Frigora, Mob 47, Zouo, Bastard, Bastards, Terveet Kadet, KAAOS, Tampere SS, The Execute, the Sexual, The SS, No Fucker, Crocodile Skink, SxOxB, Crow, Zyanose, Rukkus, Germ Attak, IGAIGAI, Donkey, See//Get, Joy, Life, Skitslickers, Missbrukarna, the Comes, Arnes Plasthjarna, Protes Bengt, Discard, No Security, Neos, Shit Box
Sounds Like: shit fucker 排せつ物ファッカー
Record Label: Distort Hackney Records ハックニーのレコードをゆがめる
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

drowNlad demo BY a frEee For, cLick - demo 2008 first of to COMe
Posted by STATE ADULTS 'ºn¶K (R.I.P.) on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 11:31:00 PST