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About Me

Hey! I did not create this page to turn everyone into a Vegan; however, there is a right way and a wrong way to slaughter animals. I created this page to raise awareness and bring to your attention some things that are currently going on. It is easy to live the "out of sight, out if mind" lifestyle - but when it comes to forms of abuse, sometimes you have to address things for a good cause. For those of you who enjoy the consumption of meat, I strongly suggest you look into where your meat source is coming from. Many slaughterhouses are producing rotting meat, and then cutting deals with the FDA in order to sell that meat so they do not loose profit. One way to look at things is to consider how our bodies are unhealthy when we have high blood pressure and are under enormous amounts of stress - if we were to think we were going to be killed, and/or we could hear others being killed, our blood pressure would be at its peak, our heart, organs, and veins would be under tremendous amounts of stress - this is how many of the animals feel before they are killed *IF* they are lucky enough to be killed on the first attempt. Many - not some - live through several processes of these attempts leading up to being killed. Between missing the spot on the neck to being sliced and cut on the side bleeding to death, being dunked in boiling water, limbs being cut off, being shocked, and many other "options", I don't like to get into many of the gruesome details I have read and researched, but trust me, none of them are kind. To think about how the animals bodies are reacting to this torture - and then that is the meat we are then putting in our bodies. That is our nutritional supplement of meat, but is it REALLY healthy for us after all? Decaying carcass? Either way, I personally have a problem with some of the slaughterhouse workers who use abusing animals as a pass time. Between stomping on chicks, literally ripping their bodies, breaking their bones, slicing off noses of pigs and putting SALT on it just to see the reaction, putting hooks through their bodies AND EYES and dragging them along WHILE they are still alive, among many other things. I am going to make them sorry. Those who disagree and say animals do not have feelings, that is your opinion. But something to consider is the mere idea of the ability of a human to perform these acts of torture to a living organism. Unfortunately, the USDA is in ties with farmers, and other large companies and are willing to "turn their heads the other way" ALL - FOR - PROFIT. Here is a wake-up call: you can do things the right way, with no torture and still make some money. Maybe not as much, but I think you might be able to sleep a little better at night - or not. Either way, I don't like nor approve of the treatment of many of the slaughterhouse animals, and I plan on putting an end to it. Please, think about this. Thanks - SarahTHE FOLLOWING VIDEO IS ON KFC:..

My Interests

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A good website to visit is www.govegan.com (you can also order a FREE vegetarian starter kit!)

I'd like to meet:

Upstanding people! :)


Slaughterhouse - Five, Skinny Bitch


Everyone makes a difference! It's up to YOU wether you are making a positive one, or a negative one; there is NO in-between.