The mission of the Humane Society of Yuma is to protect and provide for lost and abandoned animals. Focusing on creating an enviroment of responsibility and compassion to animals and to provide a greater awareness of the value and importance of their existence through education and community programs.The Humane Society of Yuma (HSOY) is a non-profit organization funded by donations, bequests, grants, and other fundraising activities, as well as municipal contracts.HSOY is responsible for a wide variety of community services that you may not be aware of. First and foremost, HSOY provides food, water, and shelter for unwanted and stray animals, including those turned in by their owners. This number can get up to over 1200 animals per month!Beside the care of these animals, HSOY rescues animals in distress; relocates wildlife to suitable environments; investigates reports of animal cruelty and neglect; an provides humane euthanasia when requested. We also place dogs, puppies, cats and kittens (and the frequent bunny, ferret, chicken and goat) for adoption. Beyond animal care, it is our duty to educate the public and hopefully this education will help us get that number down.HSOY's goals continue to be the prevention of cruelty and suffering of all animals, the teaching of responsible animal care, the securing of quality homes for animals in need and the abolishment of overpopulation.**********************Good to know info for the Humane Society of Yuma: Stray Animals- Stray animals are housed in the shelter, quarantine, and intake areas of the building and are not accessible to the public. Holding Period for Strays- 72 Hours. Owner Releases- The Humane Society will accept animals no longer wanted by their owners for a small fee of $10 that will go toward our donations.***********************************Want to donate to the shelter and maybe don't have the cash??? Well here are somethings that the shelter is always in need of: blankets, towels, dry dog/cat food, dry puppy/kitten food, towels, treats, cat litter, and of course you can Volunteer Your time!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ RABIES CLINICS INFO: The cost is.....$15 per rabies vaccination, $12 for license of altered pet, $20 for license of unaltered pet. ALL DOGS MUST BE ON A LEASH AND CATS IN CARRIERS!!! Cash and check will be accepted. Remember.........State Law requires all dogs be vaccinated and licensed after the age of 4 months. Cats are required to have the rabies vaccination within the City of Yuma but we recommend all cats have it to keep them healthy. Having a pet is a big responsibility and with that responsibility is the health of the animals. Many animals have lost their way home and one of the best ways to make sure they get back home is to license. Not only is it required for all dogs in Yuma County, it is their ticket home if they get lost! So bring your dog or cat to one of our many clinics!!!