I like to go shopping, go to the movies, play video games, shoot some pool, have some chardonnay. I love to be with my friends and do anything: go to the bar or club, go to the mall, stay in the house and just stare at each other figuring out what to do next. That's what makes life special. Laquita! You and your husband will be proud God Parents! My Twanes, you will finally be an uncle to a Black baby!
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You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.
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~About Me: Things you've always wanted to know~ by nes55
Name?: Miss Jackson if you're nasty...
Name people call you?: D
What the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?: Feed the baby
What are you wearing now?: White Vicki Secret robe
Do you have any piercings?: yes, 6
Tatoos?: nope
Whose your best friend?: I have 3
Who do you tell everything to?: God
Whats the worst thing about the opposite sex?: Take kindness for weakness
Who do you speak to most on the phone?: Victor, Laquita, Heather
Whose your newest friend?: (got back reaquainted!!!) Nackia
Name 2 songs that remind you of you childhood?: Ginuwine's first album
Fave song of all time?: Cheers to You by Playa
Whats your natural hair colour?: Dark Brown
Colour now?: at the moment Dark Brown
Have you ever laughed so much it hurt?: Yes
Have you ever screamed so much you lost your voice?: YES
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yes
How many times have you been in love?: twice
Would you get married?: yes
Do you believe in divorce?: YESSS
Do you think you can love one person forever?: YESS
Eye colour?: Dark brown
Your best feature?: eye, smile, butt
Your worst feature?: scar on my leg
Smoke?: depends what it is
Drink?: occasionally
If you won the lottery what wouly?d you do with money: put up a trust fund for my son
Favourite place on earth?: Savannah
In your own country, where would you most like to live?: Somewhere warm, on an island or a condo in a city
Who would you most like to be in a relationship with?: A decent man who can make me laugh
Favourite comedian?: Dave Chappelle
Thing you fear the most?: Heights, Spiders/bugs
Favourite years so far? Why?: his year because my son was born
Pets?: nope
Do you have refrets?: regrets? not really
If your life story were made into a book or film, what would it be called?: To Heaven, to Hell, and Back Again
Worst trait?: I get emotional sometimes
Something you couldnt leave the house without?: clothes
Favourite quote?: I know that's right
Ever had emergency surgery?: nope
Best quality?: I am caring
Favourite country?: U S of A
Country youd most like to visit?: France
Fave city?: Atlanta
Fave season?: Fall
Earliest memory?: I snuck a sip of vodka when I was 4
Do you believe in ghosts?: YES
Would you take part in a seance?: Hell no
Do you believe in God?: Yes
Do you believe in the devil?: Yes
Do you believe in Hell?: Yes
Do you believe in karma?: YES
Good or bad childhood?: Good
What are doing right now?: relaxing before work
Do you ever pray?: all the time
Have you ever cheated on anyone?: ha ha... yeah
Have you ever been cheated on?: yeah, bastard
Apart from your fave artist, who would you most like to see live in concert?: JODECI
Do you think life has treated you well up to now?: well, kind of
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RnB, Reggae, Hip Hop, Rap, Jazz, Classical, Neo- Soul,
Menace II Society, Friday, All Saw movies, All Rocky's!!, Hustle & Flow, BlueHill Avenue, Steven Segal movies, any Lifetime movies
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Law & Order SVU, Judge Mathis, Charmed, Family Guy, Japanese Anime, Seinfeld, Golden Girls, Laguna Beach, Making the Band, Will and Grace, Girlfriends, Wheel of Fortune (I know ALL the words I need to be on that show!), Rob and Big, Real World, Deal or No Deal, COPS!!!!!
Soul On Ice by Eldridge Cleaver, Art of War by Sun Tzu, Tea and Spices/Midnight Butterfly (I can't remember the author for those two books), Nigger! by Richard Pryor
Jesus: May I say more? He's going to be the man that will get me into heaven, because I KNOW my own credibility isn't worth it. My Dad: Giving me that extra push to be someone greater. My Mom: ALWAYS giving me words of advice. Her latest is: "Motherfucken men be sayin, 'Why buy the cow when I can get the milk for free?' I say, 'Why buy the pig when you're only going to get a piece of sausage?'" Her words are always inspiring... she is also the only black woman I know that can either be a contestant on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and Jepardy!