travel, music history, watching live bands, old record players, haunted houses, why carrots love tomatoes in my garden, your garden, any kind of papiermache, glass, steel, wood, dirt, concrete, space age polymer plastic based art forms, self apointed pilot licenses,photography Also a game of pinball I'll never turn down in some dive bar in your home town.
Everybody is dead!
Captain Beyond, Blue Cheer, 10 Years After, C Average, George Jones, Hills, Jimmie Rogers, Threads, C.C.R. Willie. Flatlanders, Bill Withers, Jackson 5, Hall and Oats, Micah Blue Smalldome, Death Vessel, Company, I can't do this, I just blew a fuse
Vernon Florida, Don't Look Back, Hardboiled Dr. Hook and the medicine show,Friday the 13th., Gleming the Cube, No Holds Bared, I like to Hurt People, The Secret of Nime,
those puppies need to be at the bottom
Into the Wild, Life and times of Blackbeard, In the Heart of the Sea, All the pretty Horses, Brother to a Dragonfly, Rock History and Music Almanac, Black Elk Speaks
Bucky Fuller and Delbert Knuckels, Crazy Horse