Currently Playing: Devil May Cry 4, Uncharted, Warhawk, and ROCK BAND!!!!! (All PS3)Been Watching: Lost season 4, Shooter, Shoot 'em Up, 3:10 to Yuma, and Everything Blu-Ray!Been Listening to: Horse the Band, Rush, DMC4 soundtrack
HORSE the band's A Natural Death (New album out soon) is an amazing experience. It's a swirling journey through "Lif" to a natural death (and back again) and I wouldn't chose any other album for such a trip.
Their musicianship and instrumentation shines through on this album proving to the world that they're more than just a hardcore band that sings about nintendo characters. Add in Nathan's bizarre lyrics that provoke imagination and emotion when you least expect and you have a perfect package. Epic. Trippy. Dark. Those words are the easiest ways to describe this album.
Tekken, PS3, Thinking, Batshit insanity, Getting under people's skin, Devil May Cry (I am leet), Immersing myself in movies, Anti-partying, SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS, Spitting out funny movie/tv show quotes with my brother and friend at work. Struggling to put down thoughts into writing
HORSE the band is five stellar gods running from a haunted future they can't possibly forget. Formed on the mean streets of Los Angeles in 2027 A.D. the members of H the B began to create their exotic sound to fight the past and recreate the future.HORSE the band consists of Nathan the tormented poet beast on vocals, David the hyper-intelligent lover on guitar, Erik the child-like wizard of keyboards, young Christopher Prophet on drums, and Dash the gritty urban street-lord on bass.HORSE the band's music has won them many accolades for energy and originality. Often referred to as 'nintendo-core' because of their spastic and glorious brutallity they prefer to strike out and create their own unique sounds each time they manifest their powers.Horse the Band, AFI, Rush, In Flames, CKY, The Bled, The Beatles, Quicksand, As I Lay Dying, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Between the Buried and Me, Corrosion of Conformity, Rage Against the Machine (RIP), Soil (RIP), Metallica, All That Remains, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Every Time I Die, The White Stripes... PLUS- A bunch of stuff I don't listen to on a regular basis but have mucho respect for (Tool, The Cure, Pantera, Iron Maiden, NIN and every other influential band in history)
C.S.I. (las vegas only, no stupid knock offs),
LOST, The Office, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Prison Break, Adult Swim on cartoon network every now and then,and NY Giants games during football season.
House of Leaves. Great book. I prefer creating my own stories rather than reading someone else's and putting their imagaes in my head. Watching movies is different though since the image is already created for me and I don't feel guilty that I'm cheating on my own mind with someone else's imagination (cue twilight zone music). I do enjoy the Jurassic Park books every now and then. Someday I may pick up 'House of Leaves'
My brother, Micheil. Always been there when I need him most, even if he doesn't know something's wrong. My girlfriend, Charlotte. Someone who actually straightened my spine so I could stand tall and move forward. Thank you so much, babe. Horray for having a good chunk of family and close friends on my friend's list. That's all the heroes I need. (and yes, the 14 year old boys and girls are FAMILY you perverts haha)