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I am here for Friends

About Me

Aight so here goes,I was not goin to do this but what the hell, For starters my name is Ellis, born and raised in Norfolk, Va but currently, i live in Charlotte Nc. The big QC. At the age of 25 still trying to figure out this whole life thing. Made a few mistakes, defintely learned a thing or two. Life, Relationships, Love and Friendships. Im very grateful in the friends and family that i was blessed to have ...those that are still with me and those that arent. Outgoing for those of you that know me, and those same people would be the ones that can tell you that I can get down wit the get down. My loves are everything. Anything that can make life have a rhythmn, or a melody. music, hangnin out with friends, the quiet moments, the ocean, nature, roller skating (yes people still do that)just anything thats cool. Aight so i think you got the jist... for those of you i know wat up? and for those of you i dont know Whats up! Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

some of everything, from shopping to traveling, but lets not get to carried away.

I'd like to meet:

Janet Jackson (as if you didnt know), Channing Tatum, Miles Davis, Martin Luther King, Dr Mya Angelou


all music, with the exceptions of a few