It's Jill! profile picture

It's Jill!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm livin' my life from one locker room to another....I'm a proud Hockey Mom, not to mention baseball, lacrosse, snowboarding, skiing - whatever! Oh - and they're smart little cookies too!

I'm a freelance Public Relations Consultant in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis & St. Paul. I also follow my passion, writing and working in the film and television indstry. I've been blessed to have worked on several productions that have been brought to MN. I love independent film projects most because they seem to separate those that believe in the work - from those that just want to make money. There are no greater people to learn from than creative minds in touch with what matters in life.I just landed an exciting new scriptwriting project. It's a fabulous challenge and I LOVE IT! When I'm not behind the camera, I do a little acting in commercials, industrial films and even print work around town too. I enjoy the benefits of a completely ridiculous industry and hope to make a positive impact by only working on projects I believe in.NO MATTER WHAT - DO WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN!

Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Die Hard Hockey Mom
Spying on my children (esp. on MySpace - heheheheh)
Working & Playing with my Better Half Paul
Wine & Cooking

I'd like to meet:

Barbara Bush - I'd beotch slap her for having such a dumbass for a son


Bruce - My all time favorite - nothing beats a Springsteen concert and nothing ever will! Thanks for all the memories - 18 states, 3 countries and 100 + concerts strong!!!!
I love diverse music. Rock, Jazz, R&B, Garage Bands and yes, even some Rap. With my boys I've discovered some great current music - but I delight in knowing they love the old stuff too.


All time favorite - "Breakfast at Tiffany's"
I love all kinds of movies and all genres. Movies that don't sell out - but make you think.
Recent films I've worked on were FACTOTUM and "Prairie Home Companion". Best acting gig ever was working with Meryl Streep as her stand-in. She is as gracious as she is talented - and Lily Tomlin is hilarious!!
Yes indeed, I was lower on the food chain than the stale crackers from craft services, but the experience working for Mr. Altman was worth every cent I didn't make.


HBO Rocks! 6 Feet Under * Deadwood * The Soprano's


Kitchen Confidential * My Dog Maynard
Good Night Moon


Bacchus - the God of Wine...need I say more?

My Blog

475 Days to go - GASP!!!

475 are we going to survive? Can you stand to listen to the political stumping for that long - from every party?  475 is the exact number of days until George W. leaves office...
Posted by It's Jill! on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 09:56:00 PST

I met a Cyber Friend & he wasnt even a Stalker!

I didn't listen to my mother last night when her words came flooding into my head.  Never promise to meet a stranger was her repeated mantra.  Why not?  It's only Rotte...
Posted by It's Jill! on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:58:00 PST

Minneapolis - A Quiet Moment of Reflection in my Hometown

Dear MySpace Friends, I have had numerous calls all day, wondering if I was even remotely close to the 35W bridge that collapsed.  Calls from New York, London, Colorado and Chicago - all friends ...
Posted by It's Jill! on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 08:29:00 PST

Adoption - It's an Option - Let's Help Moni!

As we head in to summer - now with teenagers and the PROM behind us, I want to send a little note out to you about one of my best friend in the world.....her name is MoniMoni is the kindest woman. She...
Posted by It's Jill! on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 03:56:00 PST


sorry i had to remove the last blog.  a very nice friend suggested it for awhile......Those of you who were priviledged in to my personal hell understand - those of you who hadn't read it will so...
Posted by It's Jill! on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 11:37:00 PST

Music - How has it helped you evolve ?

Music.  It sort of defines who we are - at least it does at any given moment.  For me I like all different genres.  At different points in my life I have been attracted to different art...
Posted by It's Jill! on Wed, 16 May 2007 09:52:00 PST

Flooding is worse than FIRE

..> Water.  It's the 'stuff' of life.  We can't live without it ~ but have you ever wondered how damaging it can be?  I'm continuing to count my blessings about the ...
Posted by It's Jill! on Thu, 10 May 2007 09:21:00 PST

Stabbing at the Mall of America - what did you do at 14?

Today at the Mall of America - in my humble home-town of Bloomington MN, two 14 year old girls got into a fight. Not just your casual cat-fight (which I admit can be awfully amusing).  This one ...
Posted by It's Jill! on Sun, 06 May 2007 08:28:00 PST

A Pillow in the Road

I was driving to church on Sunday with the whole fam-damily.  Out on the open road, gas-guzzling SUV and kids plugged in to their PSP's, when in between near orgasmic sips of Starbuck's...
Posted by It's Jill! on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 07:36:00 PST

Get a backbone Target Stores!

Oh me oh my, how could it have come to this?  More proof that in my Grandmother's words, "the world is going to hell in a hand basket". Well I'm not sure I know what a hand-basket is, but I ...
Posted by It's Jill! on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 12:08:00 PST