about me... about me... gosh well i guess i could say one thing about me above this all... is that im CONSISTENTLY TAKING CARE OF OTHERS.. lol yeah well id like to say not constantly, or consistently... but i do often...
I know there are more words that can discribe Me for who i am and these are a few i guess, i know im sympathetic... (pathecticly) lol.. I am Trusting so if you give me alot of money ill give back what you gave me.. jks... but yeah. Ummm what els.. Altuistic. *al·tru·is·tic* lol that means i can be generous or charitable, to your pitys... hahaha. jks..... I am Selfless, tenderhearted, and compassionate..but thats just after you get to know me and i break away this rocky shell. I am straightforward and Deferntial.... (respectful)....
"what can i do for you?" these words do usualy come up in my mind and could be natural to me to speak but i usualy hold back cause i my sheer shyness i would have to over come. I like to help people when they are introuble or in a time of need.. if you need someone who can listen im that person ;). I wont bs you around ill just be straitforward and tell you how i see it.
With that said i knwo there are times that have come up where i put other peoples needs infront of mine and i do so with out expectations or need to have some sort of reward or recognition. (that does really leave me open to beeing taken advantage of) as some of my friends know. So yeah i do really want to help others and better their lives. I do mean it when i say. "What can I do for you?"
Dumb ass Bitches.... Though my motives are true i do come across people that look at me like im a psyco.. LOL or some where along the lines of..."a little too good to be true." haha... and suspect my kindness is something i use to ingratiate myself with others to get them to like me, or i get people thing my altuism is a mask for my own personal issuse i do have to deal with... blah blah blah.. i just tell me self they dont know me they dont have to belive me but i am who i am, it proly triggers some kind of envy in them becuase they cant find the care or tenderheartedness in them when they see it in me and it makes them uncomfterble, so they take it out on me with there BS suspicions. im sure some people can relate.
one thing to take note to is that IF IT DONT FIT move On! ;)
ugh my fingers are cold.. brrr its cold in my office
For the most part i feal gifted to come accross someone who gives a simple hello or even initiates a converstaion with me. in the end i do hope those people feal the same. gifted they have come accross someone like me. Light in the Darkness.....A hand when you may have fallen in to a ditch.... I keep my Graciousness and Selflessness True and keep it a Rarity in human socitey.. It is a Dog eat DOg world some times.... I just try to be the one with the Bat and Ducktape.. if that makes sence.... maybe just to me... *shrugs* oh man i wanna get sum subway.. I havent eaten all damn day and its almosy 730...(pm)..*yawns*