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OK. Where to begin...I am simply an ordinary man who has had some extraordinary challenges to deal with, like growing up autistic and with an anger management problem. I grew out of the former but unfortunately not the latter entirely.
I am an auditor in southwestern Missouri for an international inventory service. What this means is I travel to stores throughout a regional area and along with several other people or even several dozen depending on the size of the store and the client I count the items of merchandise in a store, sometimes involving financial amounts.
When I was in college I ran my own gardening business.
After I graduated and moved to the South I began writing letters to the editor of my hometown newspaper. In 1995 I was featured in an article regarding several readers who frequently wrote such letters. I was the only twentysomething in the group --- the rest were 60 and older. After one such letter I even received a letter from another reader in a nearby community.
In 1995 I also found my letters to the editors of TWO women's bodybuilding magazines published, with another letter to the editor of a major bodybuilding magazine published in that publication's 200th issue back in 1999.
Another letter to the editor which I had written about a disturbing trend with young drivers not wearing seatbelts also made the May-June 1997 issue of Boca Raton Magazine.
In late 2000 I opened a website where I simply wrote about my experiences and opinions, and this was before most people talked about blogging. You could say I was a blogger before most folks knew what blogging was.
I have a philosophy that is definitely right-of-centre, I would describe myself as to the right of Rush, to the right of Savage, and darned if I'm not also to the right of God too. I consider myself to the right of conservative; I make Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh look like Karl Marx and Josef Stalin.
I love America and I support my country's military; I respect my president but I have major issues with my government.
I support the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Fourth Amendment, the Sixth Amendment, gun owners' rights, unborn rights, private property rights, traditional marriage, acquitted citizens' rights, properly funding transportation projects, free-market solutions that incorporate the principles of private enterprise, and a heavily restricted role of government, ESPECIALLY the central government.
I also oppose judicial tyranny, activist judiciaries who legislate from the bench, the abuse of eminent domain as an excuse for corrupt neosocialist governments to steal people's and churches' homes and businesses and properties for the sake of robbing taxpayers of even more of their hard-earned monies by seeking higher revenues (think: Kelo V New London in CT or Ravelli Tyre in Oakland), mishandling of taxpayers' monies on porkbarrel projects which designated taxes were never intended for, neofascist and neocommunist laws and policies regarding food, nutritional supplements, and culinary freedom (Government has NO business telling companies what kind of foods or fats restaurants can and cannot produce or use), ANY handgun or firearms ban (Domestic and foreign gun bans and gun control laws have ALWAYS led to HIGHER crime rates; concealed carry laws have ALWAYS led to LOWER crime rates...look it up), ANY interference with the will of the people safeguarding traditional marriage, and ANY demonisation of off-road vehicles (IE SUVs) or standard-sized vehicles (full size cars and pickups MUST NOT be stigmatised).
That said, I don't have any problem with other people who disagree with me, so long as they don't get wrapped up in irrational partisan hatred. Chances are I won't have a problem with you as a person; ideology is but one small segment of a person's personality.
And don't get me started on the political cola war: The Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi/Diet Bush/Diet Clinton/Diet Dean/Diet Cheney debacle has left a foul taste in all of our mouths. Somebody fetch me a nice cold ice cold Libertarian 7UP or Conservative Dr Pepper instead?
I have a strong sense of live and let live and that is how I try to live my life whenever possible.
I have a rather unique ancestry with Spanish and Azores (Portuguese) roots on my father's side and English, French, Scottish, Irish, German, Cherokee, Swedish, and Norwegian roots on my mother's side. That makes me both Latino AND Native American...though in the end I am simply an American who doesn't worry about other people's ancestries and generally can put up with anyone from any race, any colour, and any culture.
And I can even deal with practically any ideology and any attitude...with rare exceptions.
Those exceptions would include as follows:
Ungrateful folks who decide to cop an attitude for this reason or that reason simply because I might like to know them or because I might communicate with them. It's a great big network out there, I'm here, and I might have found you interesting. Deal with it. I won't bite. PERIOD.
I won't take any mess off anyone either. I've deal with too much horse manure in my life to put up with any more of it.
So if there is something on this profile that offends you so badly that you cannot remain civil, or if you have such a problem with my point of view that you cannot tolerate me, simply move on and leave me alone.
Chances are this is not the first time you have seen me on MySpace. I am actually on my THIRD account.
I initially joined in February 2006 and was rather slow to get around the site. I started warming up to the idea after finding some folks from some of the Yahoo! Groups where I am a member with other MySpace sites, and then started becoming a little bit more conscious of folks who are on MySpace.
I started getting to know all kinds of folks, famous and ordinary alike, and some with very strident views like my own, others with an opposing viewpoint here and there. But I never considered those with an opposing viewpoint my enemy...and there are a number of friends I have had like that through life and also online as well.
Music? Yes, I have gotten to know an inordinate number of music artists on MySpace as well, even including some artists whom are just developing and others whom I have known about for years, even listened to for many years.
Comedy? Yes, I have gotten to know of a number of great comedians as well, some more familiar than others.
I was off the site for a number of months due to certain disputes too intricate to mention here...but those matters have been through the proper channels, I have moved on. That said, I DID learn some very important lessons about the freedom of speech: It is amongst a number of traditional, elementary freedoms that are basically under attack.
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This profile uses the font "Hit The Road". It is a true type font based upon the fonts you see on most American, Dutch, Spanish, South African, Taiwanese, Australian, New Zealander, and Canadian highway signs.
What is your political ideology?
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You scored as Conservative
You are a Conservative!
You believe that the government should have minimal control over the lives of individuals and are in oppostition to change.
Green Politics
Democratic Socialist