♥ Hawaiian Butterfly ♥ profile picture

♥ Hawaiian Butterfly ♥

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About Me

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My Interests


mmmmmmmmmm.. my interest ,, lets see well i like to go swimming and tanning in the summer and i do love nice long walks on the beach with the significant other mmmmmmmmm yeah exspecially on a full moon night , now that is the ultimate you know ,, lets see what else do i love to do .. i do love to talk .. you might knw that from me just chatting it up here on my space and letting my inter self out here .. i think i might be in a great mood at the time writing this sometimes i don't think i could let it out like this you know ..well i do love to Dance and that is a plus that really gets me going .. omg that is so much fun for me , lets see i love to chat it up on the computer and i love to spend time with my kids even though sometimes they can be brats LMAO . but they are mine kids and i love them .. well what else i like to do ... trying to think . oh i do love crafts , and make things with my children ,,oh yeah i do make bracelets and sale them to support my older child's iceskating sports , which is very expensive ... which anyone who is on the ice would know that .. lol well as i said before if anyone out there as the same interest as me and think they would be interested in chatting it up with me ,, come on and join me on myspace .... well hope to meet who ever you are really soon love rhonda

I'd like to meet:

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MMMMMMMMMM,, who would i like to meet , well i think i pretty much told you in all about me , I would like to meet a person that could have that inner child in them and just go out and have the time of there life with not a care in the world and have the time of there lives like there was going to be no tomorrow , just some one that is fun and lively and someone that can make me smile and have the time of my life just make me feel so good that i wouldn't want the night to end ,, someone that could make me smile from ear to ear ,, mmmmmmmmmmmmm omg someone that could make my toes curl when i kiss them and i just could kiss and hug and feel the whole night and didn;t want to stop giving the affection or receiving it . u know what i mean .. if you do please come and visit my site and leave me a note that would be great , well looking forward to meeting anyone that can understand my inner soul......
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commentshack.comwell what kind of movies do i like .. i like realistics movies and i do like action pack movies and also scary movies , expecially on halloween .. lol .. and of course like every one ... I love a good comedy as well


Well ok .. tv .. heres goes let me think ... I love to watch life time they always having some good movies on there even though sometimes they keep playing those movies over and over again .. well just like CSI .. they play those over and over again too.... just like everything right .. but i do love to watch a good mystery on CSI .. but you know alot of people like that show .. LOL .. well i like to watch the discovery channel about medical stuff that is always interesting about what happens to people out there and how to consider your self lucky and that really you don;t have it that bad after all , you know ,,, what else do i like .. i like haunt mysteries shows about ghost , that is always interesting too . to find out where the most haunted places in the world are .. i always find that a bit interesting myself .. you know ... well i think that is about all for now as i know i probably could think of more .. but if i do i will come here and type it out .. LMAO..hehehhehehehe
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To: Subject:If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot, the dots will remain only one color, pink. However if you stare at the black "+" in the center, the moving dot turns to green. Now, concentrate on the black "+" in the center of the picture. After a short period, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see only a single green dot rotating. It's amazing how our brain works. There really is no green dot, and the pink ones really don't disappear. This should be proof enough, we don't always see what we think we see.Play Now!


.. center;" ..



my Heroes is my Son Micah N. Hughley cause he is a very brave boy .. he has gone through alot in the last 2yrs .. he is diabetic and he takes 2 shots a day and test for his blood sugar 4 to 6 times a day ,, i just hope one day they find a cure for junvenile diabetes