"that natural asian way" angelina jolie, anti-drugs, bacardi the dog, baseball, beowulf, boobs, boston, cheesecake factory, civil rights, courtney cox, cows, cream soda, darcy fawcett, darkness, david e. kelley, democrat, dogs, donald duck, donnie darko, donuts, drug free, ds9, edward norton, extrovert, family guy, feeling infinite, flirting, florida, going through the motions, graphic design, guster, h & m, habitat for humanity, halloween, hilary duff's muff, holding hands, honesty, hoodies, hooters, hugz, interview with a vampire, jacking off, jake gyllenhaal, james bond, jason mraz, jaws, jenna jameson, john mayer, journalism, kill bill, kiss off, kissing, krispy kreme, laughing, life as a house, lucy liu, lust, maggie gyllenhaal, making out, maren ord, margaret cho, maroon 5, masturbation, megan "megz" davis, nakedness, new orleans, orange, parker posey, pf chang's, phantom planet, porn, pretty girls, princess melissa, pro-sex, ps2, real world, red cross, rock climbing, room for squares, sarcasm, serendipity, sex, skyy blue, smiles, strippers, sweet olive trees, the hell with love, the house of yes, truth or dare, twister, university of new orleans, urban outfitters, virgo, volunteering, washington dc, web design, working out, writing
'The United States of Leland,' 'Saved!,' 'Crash,' 'Thank You For Smoking,' 'Imagine Me & You,' 'Raising Victor Vargas,' 'The Sea Inside,' 'Twister,' 'Bend it like Beckham,' 'On the Waterfront,' 'Jaws,' 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest,' 'E.T.' 'Monster House,'
Veronica Mars, Heros, CNN, Gilmore Girls, Nip/Tuck, The L Word, Weeds, Kyle XY, Robot Chicken, Project Runway, Workout, Studio 60
The perks of being a wallflower, Me Talk Pretty One Day, How to make Love like a Porn Star: a cautionary tale, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The 5 People You Meet In Heaven, Wicked: The Life & Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, Brave New World, A Confederacy of Dunces, Life of Pi, 1984, Animal Farm, Prep