-I'm a Gentleman... when I want to be bahahahaha.
-I'm an artist, writer, poet, whatever. Although even though I am an artist, I am a complete dunce when it comes to art history, so don't ask me about Dali, Picasso, or Michaelangelo or stuff.
-On my free time at home I like to work on personal writing/art projects, do video editing, play video games, watch lots of TV, study martial arts, and make a lot of stupid pictures of myself =D.
-On my time outside of home, I like to go to the movies, hang out with friends at restaurants and random supermarkets, play DDR at the rec center, go to church.
-I don't play video games as much as I day say... 3 years ago. I just stick with RPGs and DDR.
-I like to watch movies, not by myself though. I hate going to the movies alone, because despite how the good/bad the mvoie is, I feel stupid cause there is no one to talk about it with.
-Ziyi Zhang is my muse n_nb. She is the Chinese goddess of movies
-I play WoW (only on the weekends). My primary is Winterrave (Horde) on Aerie Peak. Look me up.
-I'm a horrible driver, hence I don't have my own car.
-I want to be a film maker/director.
-I can speak VERY LITTLE Japanese, Mandarin (Chinese), Spanish, and Tagalog.
-I like any kind of music (literally). I'm just not saying that. I listen to the standard rock/rap/pop to instrumentals, orchestrated music, japanese music, chinese music, ambience, movie soundtracks, Weird Al, funny crap. But most imporantatly I like music with heavy beats, cause I like to watch people break dance.