GRANDEATH was founded in Marseille (France) during the winter 2007, by Kryvhan and Exekkkutionner.
At the beginning, Our band was called Test-E, and result of our music was Black metal.
We couldn't express all the sentiments, that we want make feel in this style of music...
And "GRANDEATH" was born spring 2008, We choose works on Album before looking session members.
We proclaims the greatness of our potency in our music!
Tracks on our page, are only a stake in mouth of the final work, they aren't worked and not remixed! Voice are not recorded on 3 tracks (you will listen it when we will record final version of them! same for "You are in my mind" it is not the final version only to have an outline of voice!
GRANDEATH is currently writing the first Album, "GranDeath" that will be presented during summer 2009, Year of Revelation for Grandeath!!!
12/06/08: Sirio (bass) join GranDeath
27/05/08: Our tracks ILL have been selected for be in the movie: Legalize Murder 2 !
GranDeath web site is under construct
The most important to see, it is what they can see only by closing eyes...
Contact Us:
[email protected]
GranDeath Official Designer