olivebum profile picture


do come in small sheeps, we're having lamb for supper

About Me

My dog is my best friend. My eye goes lazy when i'm tired. i have scarily thin wrists compared to the rest. aqualibra is my favourite soft drink. i have winged scapulars. tinckle tinckle little bat. wonder where the potty's at? straight ahead or to the right? caves are very dark at night. little bat why do u frown? did you tinkle upside down? i have a great friend called collin who comes everywhere with me, he is a small pink rubber..... dolphin and he flashes, whilest getting searched by a police woman the other night i got collin out and introduced her to him, she chuckled away and stopped searching.hello mr chicken man, how was your afternoon? Did you have a nice meal at KFC? You do realise you were eating your brothers. Poor mr chicken man.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

music, photography and eating LOTS

I'd like to meet:

tall and dirty


whatever gives me a funny feeling when i'm listening to it. the cuban brothers v festival 06


city of god, alice in wonder land, fear and loathing, ancor man, anything with will farrell, the dreamers and the secretary.


quintuplets, peep show, sexcetra, eastenders


i listen to audio tapes


definately myself, i'm amazing, everyone should search for that hero inside themselves.