One of the things that gives me the most simple, consistent, true, honest, daily pleasures in life has got to be the fist coffee of the day... I know that is probably caffeine addiction, and not really an interest, but it's always a lovely moment. I even wrote a poem about coffee once… am I a sad bastard? yes maybe, but it's something I truly love :-) I like writing stories... I just have to find out if anyone wants to read them. I like the theatre and movies. I'm most happy on the beach, and I can't wait to be half submerged in the beautiful ocean off Australia again. I like the rain, and walking in it, when it's warm enough.I love going out with mates, and drinking is a weakness I enjoy greatly. I want to be a feminist and an environmentalist, but they are works in progress at the moment, I'm still learning.Travel will also have to be an interest, although I can't imagine anyone who doesn’t like it really… as always, I'm already planning my next trip...
Friends, friends of friends. friendly friend-friend types. You know the story.
I love seeing live bands... My best gig of 2005 was seeking Turing Breaks, they were amazing live, I fell in love with the whole band! Ah, Sigh! Other soft spots include White Stripes, (I'll marry Jack White eventually!!), Bloc Party, Cat Empire, Powderfinger... when I'm sad, pretty much anything slow and with guitars :-) Franz F are the best when getting ready to go out... and I'm starting to jump on the Arctic Monkeys bandwagon now I have the album ... But I'll have to think about this one a bit more... I know you're all judging me :-)) Don't you hate it when you meet new people and you get the "What kind of music do you like?" question, it's a question that holds too much weight, too much rides on your answer, such pressure!!!
Like them alot, and I'm not too fussy... mostly I love the ritual of going in and sitting in a cinema, the lights going dim, without guilt you can munch on any food you desire, the previews roll (try and ignore the ads, yuck! STOP ADVERTISING AT ME WORLD!!! Sorry, sore point :-))... and best of all, Movies are the most soothing thing for a hangover EVER! Dark and distracting and indulgent :-)
I try not to watch it if I can help it, and I recently survived 5 happy, TV-free months in Leeds.... But I do enjoy CSI.... and pressing the mute button when commercials are on!
NOW THIS COULD TAKE A WHILE :-)) Books are my favorite things in the whole world! Some you have to read before you die... "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" by Milan Kundera, "One hundred years of solitude" by Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez, The Magnificent Tolkin... "Lord of the Rings" Trillogy, it's a struggle to start, but SOOOO worth the effort!! OK, I'll have to come back to this when I've got some more time... Oh yeah and anything by TOM ROBBINS, such as "Jitterbug Purfume" or "Even cowgirls get the blues" or "Half asleep in Frog Pyjamas" He is awesome!!
"What you consume effects others, live simply so that others can simply live" Gandhi