Watch Ali G (me) take Winnie the Poo (cooper here) DOWN!
Myspace LayoutsSurfing, basketball, snowboarding, exercising, hold em,' partying with the shore boys, story time, cuzzying, following in Mike Marisposa's footsteps, spending my summers in Wildwood and making my Mom shake her head in disbelief with the stories I tell her.
Larry David, Michael Jordan, Laird Hamilton, Conan O'brian, Ben Stiller, Jack Johnson, Will Smith, Bruce Lee, Sasha Baron Cohen AKA Ali G, Bob Costas .. width="425" height="350" ..RESPEKTHEEYYYYYY
Jack Johnson, Sublime, Bob Marley, Slightly Stoopid, Kanye, Stevie Wonder, Jay-Z, G-Love and Special Sauce, Jimmy Cliff, Old school hip hop....
Forrest Gump, Old School, Devil's Advocate, Casino, Goodfellas, Kill Bill, Anchorman, Wedding CrashersIs this guy really my Governor?
Arnold Schwarzenegger Cuming - Watch more free videos
Curb Your Enthusiasm, Family Guy, Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond, Conan, Cosby Show, South Park, Entorage...
THe Outsiders, Philly Sports Fan, Bruce Lee book of quotes, my anatomy and physiology book. It stuck with me all 3 times I took the class!
Mom and Dad. Larry David