i like night time driving. driving down a stretch on a two lane highway in the middle of the night in the desert. the moon is half, the stars are bright and you see a shooting star everytime you look up. if as though it was meant to be that way. music is playing on the radio, no words, just music. not too loud, but not too soft. enough so you can hear your thoughts. having a camel on one hand and the cheetos in the other. cheetos puffs by the way, not crunch. it's all about the puff factor. the aroma of the coffee of the day and cigs fills the air. but a cracked window for your cig seems to dilute the madness. you best buds in the car with you talking about the times you had, or the things to come. depends if you are coming or going. either way, the trip takes you to that place when all you got in front of you is a fantasy or a reality, same if you are coming or going. but wherever the ride takes you, you know you got to take the same ride back. yea i like night time driving.
female tennis players. they're hot! just watch them play... scarf power
i make my own movies...
entertainment weekly, a confederacy of dunces, tuesday with morrie, and flawed dogs by berkeley breathed.
Best Baseball moment ever..Spaghetti Western Baseball 1988 Kirk Gibson
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