Photography, music, drawing/painting, knitting, reading, philosophy, my degree, cooking, seeing friends, etc
Frida Kahlo. My Family.
I like lots. And lots of different crap, mainly lots of crap. My music taste is bad but at least it is mine and i don't follow whatever some twat tells me to i.e. NME and don't give me the crap of people who love music read nme. twats read nme twats with no idea of what they like so they'll follow some pretensious wanker's preaching, which is always about the latest band who no one has ever heard of, no one wants to have heard of and no one ever will hear of, except very very rarely, and by the time you read the next issue they're not cool anymore so they go one about how bad and stale and blah blah blah they are. Rant over.oooh I was angry when I wrote that wasn't I?
I like films. funny, gory, sad, chickflick esk, thinky ones, musicals.... all sorts... especially musicals...I know I'm sad. oh, and or scary films i need someone to hold my hand
Neighbours and corrieI LOVE SPOOKS!Life On MarsDocumentaries in general, the trashier the betterHeros10 Years Younger
I really like to read. So many great books and authors that I couldn't possibly give you a list. Like with films I like to take something away with me from every book I read. I like to melt into the book, be right there and so nothing here matters, what is here is not real, for you are in another place, another time, another life, and that is what matters at that time.and i sound like a loser. i like books... and magazines.Currently reading Kazuo Ishiguro's "When we were orphans"
Frida Kahlo. My art teacher told me to look at her work after he looked at my latest idea years ago (aged 14/15). Since then I have looked at her artwork, read about her story, and heard the things she said. She is one of my heroes.Watched her film... well, not her film, the film about her, it was ok, a lot of things I would like to change about it, things that seemed wrong.I have a few heroes who I shant name for you won't know them, but they are in my heart and they have influenced me greatly. Many of the things these people have done truely does make them a hero.