*[Ash]* profile picture


she's got the stars in her pocket

About Me

21. Happy. Student. Lives in Liverpool. Likes vodka, cider and southern comfort. Talks rather a lot,and rather loudly. Always listening to music. Daydreams. Wants to change the world, one person at a time. Would rather like a time machine,because she'd like to be living in the 60's. Takes lots of photos. Likes art galleries and kids museums. Doesn't sleep enough. Doesn't function well before 4 in the afternoon. Is very much a night person. Enjoys afternoon's in the pub and Sunday morning lie-ins. Respects your right to believe in whatever you want to believe in. Has decorated her house in her head and started to buy things to put in it. Thinks too much. Swears too much. Doesn't have enough hours in the day. Doesn't have enough money in the bank. Wants to travel the world.
I'll have more respect for you if you're being yourself. I'm very unlikely to care if you like the same music or films as me, are the same age,support the same causes, or have the same beliefs as me long as your true to yourself. It's a lot less hassle then trying to be someone your not. This profile was made at Whateverlife.com! :)

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