My pets, school, fixin stuff, tools, vino, sleep, traveling, partying, being productive, skydiving...if i ever grow the balls to start back is put on hold due to my new budget...watching movies, spending time with good friends...
All the friends I once held close, who, now, through life are just vague memories. Anyone who still cares about the world we live in and are willing to do something about it...not just complain. Anyone who can teach me something new or give me a new perspective...teach me to open my mind and thoughts to this diverse and complicated world we live in. Lastly, and most importantly, MYSELF!!
mostly alternative & country
Super Troopers, how to loose a guy in 10 days, tombstone, scareface, pretty woman, dirty dancing,
Desperate Housewives, 24, Will & Grace, anything on the history, discovery or national geo channel
Harry Potter, yes i kno i'm a loser, the joy luck club, the broker, camel club, most james patterson bks, da vinci code/angels & demons, how to make love like a porn star- jena jameson autobio....
My mommy and Bliss, they have made me the person i am today and i'm where i'm at in life cause of them, they never gave up on me!! Paris Hilton, i'd love to be that rich!!