bicycles, Banjo, knitting, reading, singing badly, traveling, coffee, dumpster diving, french, food not bombs, tricycles,all the good stuff
someone to practice french with.
Bon Iver, Why?, langhorn slim, mewithoutyou, kind of like spitting, the shaky hands, two gallants, the bowerbirds, the beach boys, gospel music, Cat Power, the fireland ablaze, fembots, The Good Life, Stars, Belle and Sebastian, pinback,jolie holland, damien jurado, andrew bird, Stevie wonder, paul simon, the staple singers, 16 horsepower, feist, elliott smith, emmylou harris, neko case, Mum, Wilco, modest mouse, joanna newsom,t rex, old 97s, Sufjan Stevens, Half-handed Cloud, whiskey town, elton john, keith greensome other stuff too.
Billy Elliot!!!!!!
antique roadshow
anything C.S. Lewis especially "The Great Divorce". I also like the brothers karamazov, and books about birds
Dietrich Bonhoeffer. saint francis