Half-handed Cloud profile picture

Half-handed Cloud

Tiny, scrappy investments in melody & arrangement.

About Me

Half-handed Cloud is an interesting phenomenon. John Ringhofer, the man behind the namesake, is as joyful and frugal as his music. An economical thinker, Ringhofer prefers the subway over a taxicab, is a recycler of plastic, a compulsive note-taker, and a habitual optimist. He doodles in the margins of National Geographic magazines, carries several different colored pens, and continues to use an antiquated CD walkman. When not on tour solo, as the trombonist for Sufjan Stevens Illinoisemakers, or as the occasional Danielson bassist, he lives rent-free in Berkeley California in exchange for his services as a custodian. His music encapsulates his struggle to make sense of his life. In Half-handed Cloud this is expressed as an all-consuming search for God. Half-handed Cloud is able to ensconce complicated theological concepts into playground song without condescending to his subject or to his listener. ------------------------------ - S E L E C T E D - D I S C O G R A P H Y - ----------------"Learning about Your Scale" album 1999 (re-released 2001) "I'm so Sheepy" e.p. 2000 (re-released 2003) "We Haven't Just Been Told We Have Been Loved" album 2002 "Thy is a Word, & Feet Need Lamps" album 2005 "What's the Remedy?" e.p. 2005 "Halos & Lassos" album 2006 "Harp That's Hung-up in the Tree" tour e.p. 2006

My Interests


Member Since: 2/13/2006
Band Website: halfhandedcloud.com
Band Members: John Ringhofer + occasional help from generous friends:Brandon Buckner, Wendy Buckner, Justin Vollmar, Nathan Vollmar, Yoni Wolf, Nedelle Torrisi, Chris Cohen, Sufjan Stevens, Gabe Saucedo, John Benson, Mindy Myers, Joel Pickell, Ryan Pickell, Bert Hiscock, Josiah Wolf, Wendy Campbell, Eric Buckner, Olympia WA band LAKE, and many others who sing in the group vocal sections & Stomp/Clap sesssions.
Influences: .. width="425" height="350" ..
Record Label: Asthmatic Kitty Records www.asthmatickitty.com
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Half-h covers Why? on new single.

Half-handed Cloud recorded a Why? cover for a new single by Oakland band Why? on Anticon Records.  This Half-h recording is a seven song medley of older Why? songs (inclu...
Posted by Half-handed Cloud on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 10:50:00 PST

Coming Soon: New EP & NW Tour.

There's going to be a new 6-song Half-handed Cloud EP titled Winding Currents on a Spool that will be out on the Seven Inch Project record-label, probably in October 2007.  It will be a...
Posted by Half-handed Cloud on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 08:20:00 PST

new song/AKR Ls K Records.

Asthmatic Kitty Records is saluting Olympia WA's K Records, wishing them a Happy 25th Birthday, by compiling a FREE K Records tribute compilation.  It's streaming at the Asthmatic Kitty...
Posted by Half-handed Cloud on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 11:16:00 PST

an Art Dance to Half-h music.

A dance collective from Michigan named "Think/Dance" recently posted a dance they'd created, that happens to have Half-handed Cloud music.  Check-out the YouTube.com documentation on this My...
Posted by Half-handed Cloud on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 01:06:00 PST

89 Half-h songs at i-tunes!

All four Half-h albums, and one of the EP's are available as downloads from the i-Tunes music store, for those of you that know what that means.  Search for these: Learning About Y...
Posted by Half-handed Cloud on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 06:43:00 PST

"Sheepy" EP available online.

The second Half-handed Cloud recording, 2000's 10-song homemade i'm so sheepy EP is available online again.  It was originally released between 1999's Learning About Your Scale and 2002's We Have...
Posted by Half-handed Cloud on Fri, 18 May 2007 08:09:00 PST

Italian Compilation...

There's a new Half-handed Cloud song "Bees Baked a Loaf of Bread for Me or... Flour from Flowers?" on Italian label My Honey's compilation Let it Bee (the label-head is the son of a Beekeeper).  ...
Posted by Half-handed Cloud on Fri, 11 May 2007 10:44:00 PST

Darfur Film.

I saw "The Devil Came on Horseback" documentary film at a festival earlier this afternoon in Berkeley.  Good grief, what in the world?  I had a basic knowledge of the conflict in Darfur and ...
Posted by Half-handed Cloud on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 06:56:00 PST

May/early June Half-h shows...

We've got a new 4-member (temporary?) Half-handed Cloud line-up for these four(?) May/early June 2007 Bay Area shows.  (see current cheesy profile picture)  It's great getting to have m...
Posted by Half-handed Cloud on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 04:49:00 PST

For further reading...

For further reading, here's a collection of about a dozen online interviews & articles (for better or for worse) from 2005 & 2006 that feature Half-handed Cloud.  Some...
Posted by Half-handed Cloud on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:49:00 PST