Maddie Mae profile picture

Maddie Mae

we cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are. ~ max dupree

About Me

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what can i say...i am a 26 year old devoted mother and wife trying to make it in this world. i would love to get back into modeling and don't know if i have what it takes. my husband is my photographer and we definately have a blast during our shoots!! if you like my pics then check out his profile and see what else he shoots or get in touch with him if you are interested in getting in front of his lens!! ; ) i would love to hear what anyone would have to say about my pics or any advise that you would have to share to help me get where i want to for who i am... i am a fun loving, down to earth, normal, everyday kinda woman. my kids are first in my life and i wouldn't change that for anything. i love movies and music. i love hard work. i am a very shy person until you get to know me. i am strong willed and know what i do and don't want in any given situation. i can be cold at times but it isn't normally intentional. i love the beach but can never find the time to go! my life long goal is to see myself in a magazine. don't want to be famous but want to be known! i love to travel but don't do that much either! my favorite animal is a monkey!! i don't care what kind..i love monkeys and want to own one someday!! my favorite colors are pink and black. my favorite food is pizza! i love strawberries and brownies!! they are another weakness of mine! i have 2 pick me up movies...the wedding singer and ready to rumble! they have yet to fail me! anything else you want to know, you can feel free to ask me.
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My Interests

tattoos, pin ups, my fam, music, movies

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I'd like to meet:

anyone who is a cool person! i am hoping to network and make friends in the same fields of interest as me. i want to learn as much as i can and the best way to do that is through other people who know their shit!


i love's the meaning behind life! rock, punk rock, metal, hardcore, classical, and i love the 80's!



a clockwork orange, boondock saints, blue velvet, requiem for a dream, trainspotting, SLC punk, donnie darko, mamento, spun, fear and loathing in las vegas, hedwig and the angry inch, high tension, what dreams may come, bloodsport, empire records, life of david gale, american psycho, sweeny todd, any edward norton or adam sandler flick and so many more!


house, csi, october road, army wives, so you think you can dance, bones, hell's kitchen


james patterson, john c maxwell, stephen king



my kids first and foremost cause i learn lessons everyday through them and, of course, all the brave souls that serve in our nations military!