I've been called reclusive. I've been called a party animal. I've been called a sycrophant [sic]. I've been called sweet. I've been called totally evil. All of these things are true. None of these things are true. my philosophy? simple: diversity is life, uniformity is sickness & slow death. Those who hate diversity love death, whether they admit it or not.
RESIST THE EMPIRE! How? treat everyone you meet with respect and, dare i say it?, kindness. if you keep trying for that goal, you'll CHANGE HISTORY, mickeyfickey!
"Pre-emptive war was invented by Adolf Hitler. To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't take anyone who came up with such a thing seriously." -- Dwight D. Eisenhower
“A good man would rather suffer defeat than defeat injustice by foul means.†-- Sallust
TURN ONS: afros. pigtails. big noses. imaginative dirty talk. chix with glasses.
TURN OFFS: fake tits, shaved pussies and christian fascists.