zandkorrel profile picture


I'd enjoy the day more if it started later

About Me

I'm a Dutch writer and photographer (mainly in the rock/metal/gothic field). I'm the proud mother of a daughter and I have two grandchildren. My son-in-law is the best son-in-law a mother can wish for! :) When I was waaay waay younger I used to play the drums and sing in a band. My daughter is a forensic detective and she works for the CSI here in The Hague. She also runs a jazz/streetdance ballet school and her husband is in business and is also a freetime jazzsinger in a band. What more is there to tell? I live on the coast, about 200 metres from the beach and the dunes, where I spent a lot of my time... I write most of my short stories outdoors in this inspiring landscape. And, oh yes, I'm an addicted Sims 1 player....Furthermore: About the photo's. All pictures are taken by me (Singha Gerrits) and copyrighted. No use or 'borrowing' without permission, please!

Myspace Layouts at / Fairy with mask

My Interests

music, photography and music and photography :) (yes, again)painting, reading, bicycling, history, Celtic history, Scotland, Ireland, Native Americans, Mark Ryden, Vincent van Gogh, Gustav Klimt, Steve Hapy, impressionism, surrealism, science fiction, fantasy, gothic, architecture, indigenous cultures, science of language, polar bears, abandoned places, anything new, art deco, art nouveau, bungee jumping, Edward Hopper, gardening, graveyards, hurdy gurdy, Lord of the Rings, Johnny Depp, long haired men, Ravi Shankar and much, much more...

I'd like to meet:

Marilyn Manson. Met him once, and he was ever so nice and friendly and intelligent. Would like to speak to him again. Interesting man. And Johnny Depp of course!


from medieval music, through blues and rock, to metal, industrial and so on. Classical Indian music, tribal music, and so on.


LOTR, Pirates of the Carribean, films with John Malkovitch, Johnny Depp, cult and arthouse movies like Atarnanjuat, Dead Man (Johnny Depp), Spinal Tap, horror and science fiction, fantasy (Dark Crystal etc. ), Little Big Man,


I rarely watch the telly. Just the comedies like Little Brittain, Green Wing, stuff like that. And a good movie. O yes, I do like Jonathan Ross and Jools Holland.


Pfew, too many to mention. J.R.R. Tolkien, John Irving, William Sutcliffe, Anne Rice, Ambrose Bierce, Bhaghavad-Gita, Mahabharata, Ramayana, autobiographies of musicians and painters, historybooks, horror, science fiction, fantasy, Daniel Hecht, and, oh, (has nowt to do with books)I'm crazy about maps! Give me any old map, road map, whatever, and I'm happy:)

My Blog


Posted by zandkorrel on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 11:36:00 PST

Wounded Knee....

I got this link from: ...
Posted by zandkorrel on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 02:45:00 PST

Native American Prophecy (Elders Speak part 1) There's nothing I can add to these wise words......
Posted by zandkorrel on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 07:23:00 PST


Well, this is summer 2008 for us... A beach pavillion in storm and rain can be very depressing, but I must admit that I quite like watching the wind and rain whipping up waves and sand. I took this pi...
Posted by zandkorrel on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 07:59:00 PST


I've added some pics I shot at various concerts.
Posted by zandkorrel on Tue, 27 May 2008 12:11:00 PST


I don't normally forward things that go around, but this was truly priceless. What I love is not how terrible some of them are, but how oddly good some of them are!Every year, English teachers from ac...
Posted by zandkorrel on Sat, 24 May 2008 05:07:00 PST


Just messing about and checking if everything works the way I want it to work... apparently not.... Still have to change a lot of things
Posted by zandkorrel on Thu, 22 May 2008 04:26:00 PST