THE BUTCHERS consist of four young supersonic males... On lead guitar they have Jacob " Quigs" Quigley, and Anthony "Papa" Sweeney. On bass they have Dane "The New Guy" Overton doing his thing, and Anthony "Unco" Carlson providing the supersonic beats on his supersonically phat to the fully fully drumkit. They are a wanna be metal band, who manage to get by with good looks and charm, (except Unco)...The Butchers originally named them selves "The Butchers" as they planned to be a cover band, and thus "butcher" other songs. This shortly changed on the arrival of there old, but back then new bass player. They stayed up late one April 8th night writing one of the most soon to be recognised rock songs ever, "Supersonic Ron" they played this song the very next day at there first ever gig, with there drummer never before seeing this new bass player, they played and they sucked as per usual. So the days, weeks, months and years went by as usual, with The Butchers producing hit after untill a delemar hit The Butchers, Wayne "Crimmy" Petty was leaving, this was shortly ressolved with the replacement of Dane "The New guy" Overton, who didn't own a bass or a bass amp.The Butchers have another supersonic website that everyone should go visit, it has games, forums, info. on gigs and more about there historic journey through the rock 'n' roll scene. So visit... www.the-butchers.netHey, you guys are sexy...