Make-up,dancing,tattoos,sleeping,my friends,white russians,music,art, makin' money
Jesse MetcalfLady T~ Teena MarieTito Ortiz Ami James
I ♥ all types of music...hip hop,R&B, country,punk, oldies, rock. whatever sounds good!
r="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" Urban Cowboy,Cocktail,Purple Rain,Pretty in Pink,Belly, Casino, Scarface,Legally Blonde,Grease,Grumpier Old Men,Lords of Dogtown,La Bamba,Mi Vida Loca,Friday After Next,Elvis and Me,Top Gun...just 2 name a few
Miami Ink, Ultimate Fighter, Ab Fab, Will and Grace, Extra, DOG, CSI Miami
My Dad, i wanna be like him when i grow up! i ♥ him soo much, hes the greatest