Somewhat mercurial, injury prone, unrelentingly optimistic yet incessantly pessimistic, wonder why the term "boss" fell by the wayside...
having a sparse nordic looking blond beard, skinny Skiing, bull fights on acid, charity laughs, Iggles, diatribes, "You know you look like so and so" comments, the Iladelph, perspective, dessert, glory stories, happy hour, college nostalgia, pre-game beer pong, Keeping the "running man" alive and well, netflix, BBQ's, "would you rather"chats, doing voice overs while people watching, pick up hoops, air bassDISLIKE- mouth breathers, loud cell phone talkers at coffee shops, pretentious "spacers", pretentious people in general, myspace in general, James Blunt
Myspace Editor
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