About Me
My name is Chad Daniel Ackerman. I currently am in two bands Chapter 14 and Destroy the Runner. I also volunteer and help with several non-profit organizations. The One Campaign and Invisible Children usually have most of my devotion, but if you are involved with an organization and want to send some information my way, I would love to hear about it and possibly get involved as well. I currently work for two school districts with elementary kids from kindergarten to 5th grade and I love it. It is a blast. I love to travel, but I am kinda burnt out on traveling the U.S. and I am ready to go overseas. I love scary/horror/zombie movies because I hate being scared, but love it at the same time. I love making people laugh until they pass gas. I miss all of you who live far from me and can't wait to be together again one day. I love to hang out and talk, I talk to much. I love making movies and directing them sometimes, and acting in them sometimes too. I love helping out in anyway I can. There is no one in the world that I have met that I hate. You have to really go out of your way for me not to like/love you. I wish that there was no war and suffering, but I understand that it will be like this as long as we exist on this earth, so....the time that we have(our own separate lives) we should make the best of this short time by loving each other, helping each other, and enjoying our time together.
(Old Blog below that will help you better understand me if you really want to understand me and if you really want to read that much. HAHA.)
Below will be my thoughts and beliefs on certain things. I am a simple man, so a lot of it you have to take in and understand that I am being sincere even though you may of heard it before. I am in no way trying to change your mind or heart, but with my whole heart, just tell you that you are loved and blessed. If you have a different belief than me, that is awesome, I still love you. In no way am I trying to push my beliefs onto you and your life, but show you what has been on my heart and mind as of lately, and help you better understand what I am about. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
I have noticed this past week that I am a terrible speller. I spell words wrong all of the time and there will, without a doubt, be words misspelled in this blog. But!!! I will get better at spelling. I usually go on typing because I just think to myself "ahhh....no one will care...", but now I have changed my mind. How many little things in my life do I let slide? I am in no way perfect, but what is perfection? If you know me(even just a little), you probably know that I believe in, and love dearly, God. I want to always be making things better. I always want to be changing things that I do have control of in my life. There are so many little and big things in my life that I just let slide and sweep under the rug. Probably every day. I want to change this. I have such ambition for this. I have such ambition to use this to serve God. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that spelling words right will further my relationship with Jesus, but I am using the spelling as an example of the littlest thing to the larger things. I also started running again and doing other exercises to try and get in shape. I have been eating fairly well also. Obviously, another little thing as a step to improving little areas of my life.
Working with kids all day for the San Marcos School District has been awesome. Lately, I have been able to work 9 in a half hour shifts with kids kindergarten to 5th grade. Sometimes, working with kids for so long, makes me think that I am losing more and more patience, but then, outside of work, I can see how it actually has furthered patience in other areas of life. They are so amazing(the kids). You learn so much and teach so much, but most of all, get to be a big brother that just loves and plays all day. Some of these kids don't have both parents, dads, moms, or brothers/sisters. So, being there with them is such a blessing to have because you see how much they care about you and how much they rely on you with certain things now that you are in their lives.
I am currently reading two books(well, three. Occasionally the Bible.) and one of them I just finished not to long ago, but I am reading it a second time. I love learning from people. Good and bad decisions. I just love people. Everybody. Sometimes I try and think of anyone that I have a grudge against or anyone that I just could never love in my life. Seriously, I can't think of anybody. Seriously. That is what I would hate to be. Someone to to you that you hate or could never forgive. I love forgiveness. It gives such a hope, such a peace, and shows love in action. How many times have you had to ask for forgiveness or better yet, how many times have you been forgiven without asking for it? Think about all of the people in your life that love you. I can't thank God and these people enough for being in my life. I don't think that I ever will thank them enough. Love and service and sacrifice are the only ways that I can thank all of you, and these borderline cheesy sounding blogs. Haha.
It has been hard being away from the people I love the most. I love you all, but the people that have been there for me and that have loved me like no one else, all live so far away. I appreciate this distance because it has grown in me a longing for these friendships and relationships that I can not take for granted. My best friends all in other states and my family. I pray for you all every day and night and wish that I could be there for all of you when you need me. Sometimes it is hard to understand that you can't be everything for someone and that you can't be everywhere for someone also. That is always God's place and not ours all of the time. I just love you so much and want to serve/help/bless/love all of you in any way(s) that I can.
I have been thinking a lot lately about love and marriage and destiny. I have been talking to a lot of people about it and hearing their beliefs on it. A lot of people believe that there is one person destined for you and you for them. This to me rules out love. Love is many things and one of those many things is an action. Love is an action. It is an every day action. Marriage to me is not as strong of a word as commitment. Being married is commitment. I know so many stories(sadly) of marriages without commitment. Does having a ring on your finger mean that you now have a force field that keeps other women/men from coming into your life? Does signing marriage papers mean that you can't take off after two weeks with someone else besides your spouse? Better yet, does it mean that you will stay in the marriage, until you are old and wrinkly,and everyday of your lives be faithful, selfless, patient, willing to make sacrifices, willing to suffer through hard times, etc.? I believe that love comes from God, but also that it is a choice as well. I don't want to have a wife destined for me. If you choose the one that you love, you are telling the world, "Yes, there could always be someone else out there, but no......not anymore. There is no one else out there. I choose him/her God. I commit myself to him/her and I will fight for him/her and love her/him and forgive him/her and serve her/him and be faithful to her/him for the rest of my life. I want your past, your baggage, your fears and your failures because they are you." Every moment. Love is an action. What is the dictionary's meaning of commit?
Commit : to bind or obligate, as by pledge or assurance;
Pledge: to commit oneself to a promise; to be committed to a course of action.
I have always believed in the triangle. Me and my wife as the two corners on the bottom looking up to the main point on top, God. We are all one. Kind of like the trinity. Such a beautiful shape. Maybe the symbol will have new meaning to some of you instead of reminding you of Pink Floyd. Haha. Triangles still remind me of them(pink floyd) sometimes.
Anywhoo, I just love every one of you. All of you. Every day I feel so blessed to have this chance at life. Life is such an amazing gift that I feel that I do not deserve. I am blessed every day. I love you all race, color, religion, morals, failures.....whatevers. I love you. You are a blessing to me. I am so thankful for every moment that passes. I long for all of your friendship and to love/help/serve you in anyway that I can. Of course, I am just some dude, I am just human, but I want to strive every day to better myself, to fight for who and what I love, and to give back to God His blessings and to you, your blessings by being a blessing.
Thank you so much for reading this. Honestly, I can't remember all of what I said in my blog that got erased, but what matters now is NOW. I hope that I have not wasted your time, but gave you a little bit of knowledge of who I am. Words are words, but I am ready for them to be actions. They are. I love you and here is a verse that many of you may have seen a million times, but please, try to read it as a child hearing a truth for the first time. Come to it fresh whenever you need to. I believe God is all of these things, and everything that you ever feel is missing in your life. Sometimes, what you may not even know that you are missing.
I Corinthians 13
Love is patient; love is kind.
Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.
It does not insist on its own way: it is not irritable or resentful;
it does not rejoice in wrong doing, but rejoices in truth.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
And now faith, hope, and love abide,
and the greatest of these is love.
Thank you for being my friend and love one(s) here on myspace and in life.
- chad daniel ackerman