Who am I? Iam courages. Iam brave. You want to know me and what kind of life that I have lived. Its a crazy...no its impossible/Iam a living miracle from saved by Jesus himself that Iam writing and am still alive walking and talking. Picture blood, screams of babies, children and adults. Picture animals and blood. Picture chanting and incantations. Picture vivid nightmares..but your still awake. And get this I actually love the nobodies,the 'manger babies' the people that get thrown away. I love all the prostitutes on the streets. I love the homeless,the orphans that my husband and I take care of. I love to freak people out and give dream interpretations and prophecy over them..Mind reading is a possiblility. astral travel is a possiblilitey people! I love hugging my babies in india..and above all I love my Jesus. I love his feet. I love his hands. I love his eyes. They will ruin you. Above all I love the work that Iam able to do for him. I love my babies in Africa...especially all my aids kiddies. Its cool that right before they die I get to hold them and give them love that they never were able to recieve from being thrown on the street, and left to die. IT so beutiful to give food to someone who has nothing, to give all that you have to recieve a smile or the gratitude and thanks of that person. I LOVE my little zephaniah...who is not so little anymore. THE moment of his birth was so special but no only that..but the way his eyes looked through yours. I love him with all my heart. He is my pride and joy. And anyone will tell you that. He is so fun.
The More I Seek You - Kari Jobe