The Official United Stoners Myspace profile picture

The Official United Stoners Myspace

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

The New Official United Stoners Myspace est. May 18,2008.This is the 3rd United Stoners site i have created.The 1st (created nov 3 2007 deleted april 27 2008)was deleted,the 2nd (created may 2 2008)is now my personal site and this one is now the 1 and only United Stoners Headquarters Site.Hit me up ppl, i dnt except messages on this site only comments,so if you want to sho som support please do so by comment.---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ BEWARE OF IMITATORS!!!(PPL THAT CREATE FAKE SITE USING THE UNITED STONERS NAME OR LOGO)------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---United Stoners Proprietary Rights Acknowledgment Copyright © 2008 All rights reserved. Published in the United States of America. The United Stoners name and logo contained in this site are the exclusive property of United Stoners and the owner and founder of the site. No part of the United Stoners logo or name may be reproduced or transmitted for non-commercial or commercial purposes, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,cutting and pasting, or by any information storage or retrieval system.----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -----

My Interests

..Check out this site for more info on Marijuana at the official NORML site

I'd like to meet:

Whats up people?Im "Da Poth3ad",Im the one who started this site.Everyone on this site is for the legalization of marijuana.The Official United Stoners Mission Statement is to unite all stoners,all kinds,from different states and countries,different races and cultures,different ages..young and old,different sexes...male or female we dnt care a stoner is a stoner no matter what u look like or act like,u smoke weed,ur a stoner,thats all that matters and even if ur not a stoner and u support the cause u r more then welcome to.The goal were trying to accomplish is that we get weed legalized for everyone in the usa and then well move on to the rest of the world.Our mission is that and we will do just that. We are asking all who are going to vote for the legalization of marijuana this year to vote yes at the polls.For more info on leagalizing mary jane contact N.O.R.M.L. or call toll free at 1-888-67norml.Anyone and everyone that is for legalizing mary jane whether or not you smoke it should send me a friend request if you have friends that are interested tell them to check out this site.I update this site as often as i can.Thanks everyone for the support.Hit me up if you have ideas to make this site better.I always like the ppls feed back bad or good.If you have questions about the site or what we are tring to accomplish hit me up.We are all trying to get marijuana laws reformed and legalize it for personal use.This is just another way to spread the word and show support. If you want to show support request a friend add and i will add you.You can also show support by voting at the polls this year.Also show support by telling others about our site and the reforming of marijuana laws.My look on the whole issue seeing that i am a stoner is that if they legalize marijuana in the united states it is just one step closer to makin the world a better place and everyone can benefit from this too,its not just usa reform laws that we want its also world wide reform laws too. Thanks for your time and as we always say peace.I love mary jane plain and simple people so im trying to get as many ppl as possible aware of the goodness of marijuana.Its not anything like they say it is or they wouldnt even make it legal for medical purposes.I mean come on the good things about it for the usa out weigh the bad things.Here are some major points to my arguement:1.medical use one has ever died from it.3.Its nothing like every other thing they call a drug,in fact anything classified as a drug is 10xs worst than marijuana in my book (cigarettes,alcohol,cocaine,heroine...i think u get the idea).We all know or have heard of the downside to them, but can any one tell me the upside to them other than all of them,except cigarettes,fuck u up.No u cant,because there is no upside to them.4.If they made marijuana legal we would be out of our national debt in like 5 years becuase of the money the government could make off of it if they reformed the marijuana laws and taxed it.5.People would buy 20 joints in a pack at a store for like $5 or something(what ever the government makes the price it will be a lot cheaper then on the street) jus like cigarettes.Rather then pay $5 for one on the street.This would put an end to drugdealers selling marijuana and it would cut down crime drastically.6.The stem on the plant called hemp has an oil in it that could be used for bio diesel fuel.That would be the end to our gas problems.7.They can also use hemp for clothing too.People marijuana is not a drug. It is a natural plant grown on the earth.It was put here for every person to have and use as they see forth.So on the day we all vote to reform the national marijuana laws whenever it that day is,vote yes.If not for you to smoke,do it for the economy of the united states,because doing so will make the usa a better place to live not just for stoners but for all people.Thanks for your time.If you have read all this i hope u show ur support,not just by adding this site to ur myspace,but also by voting yes on legalizing and reforming laws for marijuana.

Here Is Some Info About Marijuana

Cannabis is a leafy plant which grows wild in many of the tropic and temperate areas of the world. It is cultivated both indoors and out for the production of its flowering tops. The most commonly used form of cannabis are the leaves and flowering tops (buds) which may be either smoked or eaten; It also comes in a more concentrated resinous form called hashish, and as a sticky black liquid called hash oil. There are three distinct species of cannabis: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis, though there is some argument as to whether these should be considered varieties rather than species. Most recreationally used cannabis is the result of interbreeding between these three types. The term 'hemp' is generally used to describe low-thc varieties of cannabis which are grown for industrial uses.

The strength of cannabis varies greatly from one variety to another. Some, known as 'one-hit-shit', requires only a single lung-full to reach full effects while other varieties require many hits to achieve the same effects. Additionally, the amount that one individual likes to smoke can be many times what another prefers. Generally, 1/8 ounce (3.5 g) of mid-quality bud could get around 20-30 people reasonably high.

Cannabis is sold on the street for anywhere between $25 - $150 per 1/4 ounce depending on quality and location. In the U.S., prices are generally $30-$60 for 1/4 ounce of lower quality and $60-$120 for 1/4 ounce of high quality bud. Prices drop quickly as quantity goes up, with prices for one pound of the lowest quality cannabis going from 0 (leaves are sometimes given away during harvest) to $200 and good quality buds from $1200 - $2000 per pound.

Both sales and possession of cannabis are illegal in the United States and most countries, however many states have legalized the medical use of cannabis. Additionally, some states have decriminalized the possession of personal use quantities (under 1/2 - 1 ounce) choosing to punish this with a fine rather than jail time.

The active ingredients in cannabis are called cannabinoids. There are many cannabinoids synthesized by the plant including tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabinol, cannabidiol, cannabinolidic acid, cannabigerol, and cannabichromene. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is thought to be responsible for most of the psychoactive effects of cannabis and is the active ingredient in synthetic thc pills such as marinol.

Cannabis plants do grow wild in many parts of the world, but the quality of wild specimens ('ditch-weed') is generally quite low. Most cannabis is cultivated intentionally and can be grown either indoors or out.

The cannabis plant has been used both medicinally and recreationally for thousands of years. It wasn't until the early 19th century that the use of cannabis spread from China and the Middle East to the population of Europe and then to America in the middle of the century. Cannabis was made illegal in the U.S. in 1937 and has continued to be a popular recreational substance since that time.

There is many slang terms but this is what i have listed on short notice.

The Substance : cannabis, marijuana, marihuana, pot, dope, grass, weed, mary jane, doobie, bud, ganja, hashish, hash, bhang
The Experience : stoned, high


When smoked, the effects of cannabis begin almost immediately. When eaten the effects can take 1 to 2 hours to manifest, based primarily on how much food is in the stomach.

The effects of smoked cannabis peak after about 20 minutes and last for 1-2 hours. When eaten, the effects will peak more slowly and primary effects may last for 3-4 hours.

The Experience:
The primary effects sought by those using cannabis recreationally are euphoria, relaxation, and changes in perception. Effects vary depending on dosage, with effects at low doses including a sense of well-being, mild enhancement of senses (smell, taste, hearing), subtle changes in thought and expression, talkativeness, giggling, increased appreciation of music, increased appetite, and mild closed-eye visuals. At higher doses, visuals may become more prominent, sense of time is altered, attention span and memory are frequently affected, and thought processes and mental perception may be significantly altered.

While most people do not experience a strong visual component to the cannabis experience, some do and some particular varieties of cannabis as well as higher doses are more likely to produce this effect.

Problems: Negative effects can include paranoia, dry mouth, respiratory problems and nervousness/racing heart. Other effects may be negative or inconvenient in certain settings or situations including reduced ability to concentrate, impaired memory, tiredness, and confusion. Side effects tend to increase with lifetime use: as users age, they often report the anxiety-producing and uncomfortable effects increase and the euphoria decreases.

Avoid Driving - While there has been little formal study into the effects of cannabis on driving, it is generally a good idea to avoid driving while under the influence of any psychoactive or intoxicating substance. Several studies have shown that drivers who use alcohol and cannabis in combination are far less capable than when taking either substance alone. Some studies have shown that cannabis causes impairment in driving performance, but that users often are aware of the impairment and compensate by driving more carefully.

Addiction Potential:
Regular use of cannabis can lead to psychological habituation for some people making it difficult for them to quit. Studies have estimated that between 5 and 10% of those who try smoking cannabis will become daily users sometime during their life, but most of these smokers will have given up the habit by age 30 and few remain daily smokers after age 40. Most people do not experience signs of physical addiction, but with regular daily use use, mild to medium withdrawal symptoms usually occur for less than a week, but can extend for as long as 6 weeks.

Long Term Health Problems:
The most common negative health impact of regular cannabis smoking are lung and throat problems including: coughing, increased frequency of throat and lung infections, and reduced lung capacity. There are concerns about possible long term carcinogenic (cancer causing) effects of cannabis smoking, but the results are still somewhat controversial. It can be safely said, however, that health risks increase with frequency and duration of smoking anything.

There are no deaths from cannabis-only poisoning. There are a small number of people who report serious cannabis allergies which cause unexpectedly intense reactions, throat & lung irritation, etc.

Heart Issues:
Because cannabis increases heart rate, it could potentially increase risks of heart problems in those at risk of heart disease. One study found that cannabis use increased the risk of heart attack in men over 40, but its findings were weak and based on a very small number of individuals. In a large study of 65,000 individuals in California by Sidney Peak in 1997, cannabis was not found to increase mortality rates among users under 50.

Mental Illness:
Several studies have indicated that cannabis use (like many other strong psychoactives) can precipitate neuroses or psychoses in those who are already at risk. Studies have also shown that cannabis use does not appear to increase the risk of psychosis in otherwise healthy individual s.


Total Duration 1 - 4 hrs
Onset 0 - 10 mins
Coming Up 5 - 10 mins
Plateau 15 - 30 mins
Coming Down 45 - 180 mins
After Effects 2 - 24 hrs
Hangover / Day After - - -

Total Duration 4 - 10 hrs
Onset 30 - 120 mins
Coming Up 30 - 60 mins
Plateau 2 - 5 hours
Coming Down 1 - 2 hours
After Effects 6 - 12 hrs
Hangover / Day After 0 - 1 day

Duration is strongly affected by dose, tolerance, and individual reaction. Those who use cannabis regularly experience a shorter duration than those who do not. Note that most cannabis smokers smoke multiple times in a single session which extends the duration.

Further, for oral consumption, duration is complicated by stomach contents and delivery mechanism. Taking THC-capsules on an empty stomach lasts much shorter than eating THC-containing cookies or food, which take hours to fully digest.

There has been some research into the pharmacokinetics of THC (how it moves through and is processed by the body). See Grotenhermen's research, which showed that the peak THC concentration after smoking was between 15-30 minutes and sloped down for 1-2 hours. He also showed that oral consumption caused the THC levels to peak between 2 and 4 hours and lasted for 4 to 8 hours.


The effects of smoking Cannabis are usually lighter than those of many other recreational psychoactive substances. People are generally capable of carrying out normal actions and activities while high.

Positive: mood lift, euphoria
relaxation, stress reduction
creative, philosophical or deep thinking : ideas flow more easily
increased appreciation of music. More aware of, deeper connection to music.
increased awareness of senses. (eating, drinking, smell)
change in experience of muscle fatigue. Pleasant body feel. Increase in body/mind connection.
pain relief (headaches, cramps)
reduced nausea, increased appetite (used medically for this)
boring tasks or entertainment can become more interesting or funny

general change in consciousness (as with many psychoactives)
increased appetite, snacky-ness
slowness (slow driving, talking)
change in vision such as sharpened colors or lights
closed-eye visuals (somewhat uncommon)
tiredness, sleepiness, lethargy
stimulation, inability to sleep (less common)
blood shot eyes (more common with certain varieties of cannabis and inexperienced users)
mouth dryness, sticky-mouth (varies with strain)
interrupts linear memory. Difficulty following a train of thought.
cheek, jaw, facial tension / numbness (less commonly reported)
racing thoughts (especially at high doses)
increased emotional impact of music
Time sense altered: cars seem like they are moving too fast, time dilation and compression are common at higher doses

nausea, especially in combination with alcohol, some pharmaceuticals, or other psychoactives
coughing, asthma, upper respiratory problems
difficulty with short term memory during effects and during periods of frequent use (Ranganathan M, D'Souza DC, Psychopharmacology, 2006)
racing heart, agitation, feeling tense
mild to severe anxiety
panic attacks in sensitive users or with very high doses (oral use increases risk of getting too much)
dizziness, confusion
lightheadedness or fainting (in cases of lowered blood pressure)
paranoid & anxious thoughts more frequent
possible psychological dependence on cannabis
clumsiness, loss of coordination at high doses
can precipitate or exacerbate latent or existing mental disorders

Withdrawal Symptoms:
mild to moderate, non life-threatening withdrawal symptoms occur after daily use in some users. These may last for 1-6 weeks after cessation of use and can include anxiety, anhedonia (reduced experience of pleasure), headaches, general unease/discomfort, difficulty sleeping, and a desire to smoke pot. Severity of symptoms is related to frequency of use and individual sensitivity.
slight loss of appetite
finding non-stoned life a bit dull, increased boredom

Description Of Effects
The primary effects sought by those using cannabis recreationally are euphoria, relaxation, and changes in perception. Effects vary depending on dosage, with effects at low doses including a sense of well-being, mild enhancement of senses (smell, taste, hearing), subtle changes in thought and expression, talkativeness, giggling, increased appreciation of music, increased appetite, and mild closed-eye visuals. At higher doses, sense of time is altered, attention span and memory are frequently affected, and thought processes and mental perception may be significantly altered.

One of the most common comments about cannabis effects is that it enhances the appreciation of sensory experiences without substantially changing the perceptual experience. Many people attribute their love of music, appreciation for new forms of music, and ability to play instruments to the use of cannabis.

Although cannabis is normally considered a relaxant / depressant, its effects are stimulating in a substantial portion of those who use it. While some people us it to help them sleep, others cannot sleep for 3-6 hours after their last smoke.

Use of marijuana is relatively safe. There are no deaths caused by marijuana alone, although deaths can and do result from injuries sustained while intoxicated. When combined with alcohol, cannabis has been shown to reduce driving ability and can contribute to traffic accidents.

Some people may experience panic attacks (including extreme feelings of dread, accelerated heart rate, feeling as if they're going to die) from smoking cannabis.

Chronic smoking of marijuana can lead to respiratory ailments associated with smoke inhalation. A 1995 study suggests that use of a bong or water pipe does not necessarily lower the overall ratio of particulate matter to THC and may be counterproductive. In other words, it lowers the particulate matter, but it also lowers the amount of THC. For the same effects, a person may have to smoke more...thus raising particulate matter back to a level equal to that inhaled from unfiltered sources (joint or pipe).

Medical Marijuana Use
Marijuana has many possible medical uses. Positive effects are claimed for ailments such as cancer, AIDS, and glaucoma. AIDS can cause a loss of appetite known as the "wasting syndrome" which can lead to drastic weight loss and weakness. Chemotherapy used in the treatment of cancer causes nausea resulting in an inability to keep down food. Marijuana's healing nature for these two illnesses is a result of it's ability to increase a person's appetite as well as relieving nausea allowing a patient to regain weight. Marijuana reportedly helps glaucoma patients by reducing occular pressure which can cause damage to the eye.

Cannabis Interactions:

Venlafaxine Interactions
Cannabis Health Articles
Marijuana less harmful to lungs than cigarettes -- Medical Post, Gagnon L, Sep 1994
Sol Lightman's Rant about Cannabis versus Tobacco
Heavy Marijuana Use Doesn't Damage Brain, Jul 1 2003, WebMD
Cannabis and Lung Cancer Repeated studies have failed to find evidence that cannabis use is associated with lung cancer. A few have found a correlation, but did not control for people who smoked mixed cannabis with tobacco and many studies have not controlled for other lung cancer risks.

(This list is not the most up to date one but its what i could find.It was provided by a friend that didnt say where he got it from but he beleives its about 70% up to date so enjoy.)

STATUS: Scheduled
SCHEDULE :Schedule I

Both Cannabis and Tetrahydrocannabinols, the active chemicals contained in Cannabis plants, are Schedule I in the United States. This means they are federally illegal to cultivate, buy, possess, or distribute (sell, trade or give) in all forms (cannabis plants, extracts, hash, hash oil, thc, etc) except synthetic THC (Marinol) which is Schedule III.

The federal scheduling of Cannabis was disputed in 1988 by Judge Francis Young, an administrative law judge for the DEA, who recommended that marijuana be reclassified as schedule II on the grounds that if a respectable minority of doctors endorse it, then it has a "currently accepted medical use".
[Full text of Judge Young's ruling].

Medical Marijuana:

Cannabis has many reported medical uses and its active component is an approved drug in the US. The US government has, in the last 20 years, been forced to provide medical cannabis to 8 patients in the form of cannabis cigarettes although as a top level, federal policy has opposed any change in the status of cannabis to move it to a lower schedule. Over a dozen states now allow some provision for the medical use of cannabis, although only around 8 have effective protection (AK, CA, CO, HI, ME, NV, OR, WA).

State by State list of Marijuana Laws
Index of Medical Marijuana Laws in all 50 States and Canada
Marijuana Law, by Richard Glen Boire

Alaska Supreme Court and lower courts have ruled that personal possession of cannabis is protected by state constitution's privacy clause. As recently as Sep 14, 2004, the AK Supreme Court refused to overturn a unanimous Appellate Court decision that police were not allowed to enter a home simply based on smelling cannabis smoke outside. See Pot vs Privacy, Oct 2003 and Alaska Supreme Court chooses privacy over pot, Sep 2004 and Eric Sterling's Response. The Alaska Legislature passed a law banning cannabis, but a judge struck down the law in July 2006: Judge rules against Alaska marijuana ban law, Jul 2006, AP. ACLU Press Release July 11, 2006

Possession of or giving away less than an ounce of marijuana is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine only ("Except as authorized by law, every person who gives away . . . not more than 28.5 grams of marijuana . . . is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100. Health and Safety Code sec. 11360). California Supreme Court has upheld the California Medical Marijuana law (state prop 215). July 19, 2002 In January 2008, a San Francisco Appeals court ruled that police may not enter and search a home without a warrant simply because they see someone inside smoking cannabis.

"The possession and cultivation of marijuana is no more criminal -- so long as (the law's) conditions are satisfied -- than the possession and acquisition of any prescription drug with a physician's prescription." CA Chief Justice Ronald George.

Cities in california:
The city of West Hollywood adopted a policy in June 2006 that suggests police make "investigations, citations, arrests, property seizures, and prosecutions for adult marihuana [sic] offenses the lowest law enforcement priority in West Hollywood". See Council Agenda Entry and LA Times Story.

Berkeley passed two city ordinances "BMI I" and "BMI II" that tells police to make marijuana-law enforcement its lowest priority. See Legal Limbo for Pot Users.

Santa Barbara (Prop P, Nov 2006) and Santa Cruz (Measure K) have passed rules making possession of cannabis the lowest enforcement priority for local police. (Thanks sr)

San Francisco : Extremely tolerant of cannabis use. In November 2006, the SF Board of Supervisors approved an ordinance (8-3) making cannabis-related offenses the city police's lowest priority. See SF Eases Pot Enforcement, Nov 22 2006, Stop the Drugwar. See Chapter 12x of the SF Municipal Code, added by Ord. 297-06, File No. 061295, App. 11/29/2006.

Santa Barbara (Prop P, Nov 2006) and Santa Cruz (Measure K) have passed rules making possession of cannabis the lowest enforcement priority for local police.

City of Denver votes to legalize possession of up to an ounce of cannabis. Although police will still enforce Colorado state law, the city population has clearly expressed that they are disatisfied with the state laws. See Denver Voters OK Marijuana Possession - Nov 2, 2005, AP and Mile High City Legalizes Pot Possession - Nov 2, 2005, AOL News.
North Carolina :
Dronabinol is Schedule II in N. Carolina.

Rhode Island:
Rhode Island legalized the medical use of cannabis in Jan 2006, overriding a veto of the legislation by Governor Don Carcieri (house vote 59-13). The law allows people with certain illnesses such as cancer to register with the state, receive a special ID card, and then grow up to 12 plants or buy/possess up to 2.5 ounces of dried cannabis. AP story by ML Johnson, Jan 3, 2006.

International Law:

Cannabis laws state by state. Decriminalized in Western Australia & South Australia. Tasmania, Victoria, & Queensland policies involve ticketing for below 50 grams.
Nov 2001: Western Australia Announces Decriminalization of Cannabis

No amount of cannabis is legal to possess in Belgium, however possession of up to 3g of cannabis by adults, for personal use, is tolerated in Belgium. It is also said that 1 female plant is tolerated. Police will sometimes take the name of an individual in possession, but the Belgian state will not prosecute. Cholo writes that if the possession meets the informal 'personal use' criteria, the police register the offense anonymously and do not even take the individual's name. The criteria for this are include: possession of an amount that is consumable in 24 hours (usually 3 grams or less), possession of leaf or bud and not oil or other processed product which are less tolerated; that the use is not around minors or while driving; and other factors that might indicate 'problematic use'. In practice, almost all non-problematic personal users will be registered anonymously. The criteria are described in Het Staatsblad published on June 2, 2003: 6.html and 9. html . A new law to allow for medical use of cannabis has lead the police to be more forgiving about possession of small amounts of non-medicinal cannabis. FA says that there is no legal way to buy or import cannabis or its seeds. See (French only).

Cannabis sativa is listed as a controlled substance, making the plant and all of its parts illegal to cultivate, distribute, or possess. Other cannabis species do not appear to be listed, though THC is separately scheduled. Presumably any THC-containing plant is illegal by extension. In 2007 we received an unconfirmed report that cannabis prohibition is not vigorously enforced .

Cannabis is included in Schedule no. 1 of Bulgaria's Drugs and Precursors Control Act. Plants in the genus Cannabis containing greater than .2% tetrahydrocannabinol by weight are illegal to grow, possess, or sell.

Cannabis is schedule II in Canada (for more than 3 kg). Canada's cannabis control laws are spottily enforced, with the west coast (British Columbia) being well known for its high quality cannabis and low levels of enforcement. In 2002, Canada's federal government made several findings in favor of cannabis legalization and medical use approval. Although the status of medical cannabis is still in flux (sep 2002), the Canadian government has several times voiced its intention to support full medical use. Non-viable Cannabis seeds and Cannabis stalks (that do not include leaves, flowers, seeds or branches) are exempted.

Busts in Canada continue, especially of larger growing and distribution operations.

Police bust internet drug ring Feb 28, 2006

News and Legal Updates in canada:

Senate Panel Recommends Legalization (bbc) - CBC News
"In many ways prohibition is a cop-out," said Senator Pierre Claude Nolin, chair of the committee. He said drug policy should focus on harm reduction, prevention and treatment.

Sep 2002 - Senate Panel Recommends Legalization
Canada moves towards allowing medical cannabis (CBC News)
Medical Marijuana Approved (CFDP)
In July 2000, an Ontario Court of Appeal ruled against the Canadian law because it did not address medical necessity and on July 31, 2001 a new regulation was enacted by the cabinet which addressed medical use. In January 2003, a lower Ontario court ruled simple possession laws banning cannabis unconstitutional, although it is unclear what the long term implications of this might be.

Globe and Mail, Jan 4, 2003
DRCNet Coverage, March 2003
CBC News, Jan 3 2003

Possession of small amounts of cannabis can result in fines ($500-1000 US), mandatory rehab, and condtional sentencing (probation). Cultivation and sale of cannabis are punishable by imprisonment (3 or more years). Driving under the influence of cannabis (as detected by saliva field tests) may lead to fine, rehab, and loss of license.

Cannabis is a Class C drug in Britain.
Jan 2006 - Home Secretary Announces Cannabis will stay in Class C, despite controversy in 2005, but that the Home Office will seek an "overhaul" of the drug classification system. Guardian and Home Office News.
Jan 29, 2004 - Cannabis reclassified to Class C. Q&A: Reclassifying Cannabis, UK Guardian

Sep 2003 - Police given broad discretion in choosing who to arrest for cannabis possession

Jul 10, 2002 - Britain Announces Moving Cannabis to Class C (and BBC: Cannabis Laws eased by Blunkett). Most possessions would be given only a warning, but the plan could take a year to change the rules across Britain.

Nov 2001 - Britain Moves to Reclassify Cannabis as Class C [Nov 2001]

Nov 2001 - Police say: sell cannabis in shops and pubs

Nov 2001 - The British government's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs issued a report raising serious questions about total Cannabis prohibition and examining several alternatives. - Report

Cannabis is prohibited. Seeds are legal to sell but illegal to import and export.

Cannabis is prohibited by the German BTM (drug schedule), making it illegal to possess, cultivate, or sell. A reader comments that possession of 6 g or less is generally not prosecuted, depending on the state. The northern states tend to be more tolerant than the southern states.

Cannabis is controlled in Greece and illegal to grow or possess. We've received conflicting reports about how severely police treat minor possession offenses (less than 1 gram) with one submitter saying police are likely to overlook possession at that level and a March 2007 submitter saying that they were themselves prosecuted in southern Greece for 0.8 grams of cannabis and that raids on cannabis farms had increased over the last 3 years.

Hong Kong:
Possession, cultivation, sale, and import of cannabis is forbidden by the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance 30/06/1997. Any offense is punishable by a fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for 15 years.

Although India has a long history of the use of Cannabis, including involvement with religious traditions, it is illegal to grow or possess. In some areas, it is openly ignored by authorities.

Cannabis is illegal in all forms in Israel, except for oil extracted from seeds.

Cannabis preparations and THC are illegal to use, sell, own, cultivate etc. Penalties for possession of small amounts (< 5g) can result in confiscation of passport or driving license. Possession of larger quantities is treated as possession with intent to sell and is subject to stronger penalties.

Possession, cultivation, sale, import, and use of ganja are prohibited by Jamaican law. The law is widely ignored and cannabis is often sold openly in markets.

Cannabis is prohibited under the Japanese Cannabis Control Act. [see also ] . However, viable cannabis seeds are available in headshop as of June 2005, selling for Y1300-Y2500 (12-23 USD) each. Growing the seeds is illegal and the shops have warnings that the seeds are just curiosity samples and the shop will not answer questions about cultivation. ] . However, viable cannabis seeds are available in headshop as of June 2005, selling for Y1300-Y2500 (12-23 USD) each. Growing the seeds is illegal and the shops have warnings that the seeds are just curiosity samples and the shop will not answer questions about cultivation.

Cannabis is illegal in Malta (Schedule 1). Possession for personal use is subject to fine, but prison terms are usually given only for trafficking.

A new bill, passed by the Mexican Federal Legislature in late April 2006, has not yet been signed into law, but would decriminalize very small amounts of cannabis (under 5g) but would stiffen penalties for larger amounts and remove current discretion judges about the definition of "personal use amounts". See (Spanish Language). Also see SignonSanDiego : Mexico Decriminalizes Drugs. from Cannabis is illegal in all forms in Mexico and possession can result in stiff fines and long jail sentences. Police can often be bribed on the spot and it is said that police plant cannabis on innocent bystanders near the U.S. border in order to solicit bribes from tourists.

Although cannabis is technically illegal to possess and sell in the Netherlands, the government does not prosecute individuals (over 18) who smoke cannabis. Possession of less than 5 grams or growing of less than 5 plants will not be prosecuted. Certain cafes/coffee shops are allowed to sell cannabis and hold 100 grams behind the counter and another 500 grams in the back. Paradoxically, we have received unconfirmed reports that coffee shops are not allowed to legally purchase cannabis. In March of 2003, the Dutch government changed the law to allow doctors to prescribe cannabis for medical purposes through pharmacies.

On Jan 1, 2008, Dutch police will officially be disallowed from smoking cannabis while off duty. Dutch police complain it is their right to smoke cannabis while off-duty, Dec 15 2007, DailyMail.

New Zealand:
Cannabis is a Class B controlled drug in New Zealand. It is illegal to cultivate, possess, or sell.

Although cannabis and its seeds are illegal in Norway including possession and sale, there is some exception for medical use. We are told that seed possession and sale are now (as of 2000) prohibited.

The penalty for possession of small quantities of Cannabis (less than 5 g) is normally 3000 NOK. For more than 5 g, higher penalties apply and can include community service and jail in some cases. The Norwegian police does not punish use, possession and distribution of Marijuana as harshly as Hashish and the Hashish in Norway is often adulterated with other ingredients.

Pakistan / Peshawar:
In Peshawar and the northern parts of Pakistan, smoking Hash (called Charas here) is socially acceptable and even sold on an open market where the government has no power to intrude. You can be jailed for up to six months if you're caught with Charas in other parts of the country, but it's very very common to bribe the cops with as little as $5-20. Also, many shops have Charas behind the counter, but will not admit to it or sell it unless they know you. Most people who get caught here usually only do so because somebody tipped the cops. Otherwise getting caught for Charas possession is rare .

Possession of cannabis is illegal in Poland. Even small amounts (1g) are not tolerated and penalties can be high. Since Jun 2005 according to the new law, a new resocialization program for drug addicts has been formed as a alternative to putting young people in prison. Cannabis is still a public enemy treated the same way as 'hard drugs'.

Cannabis is banned in Portugal in all its forms, however since 2000 consuming and buying small quantities of cannabis (as with all other illegal drugs) is not a crime, it is only punishable by a small fine. Further, in major cities, the police have a rather tolerant attitude towards cannabis consumption and it is largely ignored. Note that anyone found possessing quantities of cannabis more than considered typical for an average user in 10-days can be presumed to be a distributor and can be prosecuted and jailed.

Cannabis growing, possession or selling is prohibited. Seeds have no legal status (neither legal nor illegal). If you are caught with seeds they will take them and you will receive not more than a warning. Possession of small amounts (1-3 grams) is only punishable by a small fine (~ $150-200). For bigger quantities possession or for growing (only for personal use) you can stay 3 or 6 years in prison. If you sell cannabis you can take over 6 years in prison.

Cannabis is a prohibited drug under Russian law. In Dec 2003, personal possession of up to 20 g of cannabis was legalized.

Cannabis is a Class A drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act, making it illegal to cultivate, sell, or possess.

Cannabis is illegal in Spain, with small amounts punishable by fine. Larger amounts, cultivation, or sale are punishable by jail terms. Cannabis seeds are legal and are commonly available for purchase .

Possession and sale of cannabis are illegal in Sweden. Possession of up to 60 g usually results in a fine, 60 to 2000 g usually leads to 2 weeks to 1 year imprisonment, more than 2 kg generally results in 2 years - 10 years imprisonment.

Cannabis is a schedule 2 narcotic in Taiwan, and possession can result in up to 3 years imprisonment.



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